Deponent receiving a Proclamation to Procl … Deponent receiving a Proclamation to Proclaime his Sacred<br />
Majesty Charles the Second King of England,Scotland ffrance<br />
and Ireland Proclaimed his said Majesty at Swanszey and<br />
alsoe the same day Proclaimed his said Majesty onboard the said<br />
Captaine Dowdalls ffrigot, which the said Dowdall cordially<br />
submitted unto expressing much Joy thereat, and calling all<br />
his Souldiers together told them they were noe longer his souldiers<br />
but his this Deponents who Comanded in Cheife for his<br />
Majesty in those Parts, And further that in case this Deponent<br />
would Comand him with his ffrigot and souldiers to preserve<br />
that rode, from Violence of any others who had Comission<br />
as men of warr hee would obey him or words to that effect And this Deponent further<br />
saith that at the said Proclaiming of his said Majesty the<br />
said Captaine Dowdall caused divers Gunns to be fired<br />
and hee and all his souldiers, uttered many expressions of<br />
Joy, And further deposeth that hee never heard of any violence<br />
offered by the said Captaine Dowdall or any of his souldiers<br />
to any English or other subjects of his said Majestyes in the<br />
said Mumbles Rode or elsewhere after the said Proclamation And that evening that<br />
this Deponent soe Proclaimed his said Majesty on board the said Dowdalls<br />
ffrigot or the evening before when this Deponent treated with him as aforesaid hee discerned severall vessells Passe neere the said<br />
ffrigott which the said Dowdall and Company might have boarded<br />
but notwithstanding the said Dowdall did not soe Much as<br />
stop or hinder them but lay still at Anchor: nor ever disturbed<br />
any vessells after the said Proclamation that ever hee heard of.<br />
And further cannot depose./.
To the and hee saith that hee this Deponent hath Credibbly heard<br />
to the Effect Interrate but hee went from Swanzey before<br />
the seizure Interrate happened, and therefore cannot depose<br />
knowingly thereunto:/
To the hee saith that hee doth not knowe what moneyes goods<br />
wares or Merchandizes werein the said ffrigat the time interrate
To the and the schedule therein mentioned hee saith hee cannot<br />
depose thereto not seeing the same signed./.
To the hee saith hee hath heard to the Effect Interrate/<br />
and further cannot Answer./:
Repeated with his 3 precontest before<br />
Doctor Zouch by mr Barret.
Edw: Freeman [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]Barret.
Edw: Freeman [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +