insomuch that they within could not looke … insomuch that they within could not looke out without danger of being shott<br />
nor indeed could they continue safe within, the shott comming frequently in at<br />
the windowes and through the walls from the Castle, as being purposely<br />
directed and aimed to destroy the said house and they that were therein, And<br />
saith that on sunday the first of May of the said yeare, English stile, the<br />
dutch out of their desire of destroying the said English factorie set<br />
fire on houses of the village which were within twenty yards or thereabouts<br />
and next unto the said English house, and this they did albeit there<br />
were houses of the Negroes much nearer the said Castle than the<br />
said houses which they first fired, and had their intention bin<br />
rather to annoy the Negroes than to Doe mischeife to the English<br />
they would as hee conceiveth have begun in their firing with the<br />
said houses that were neerest unto them. But as hee saith<br />
the fire suddainly after it was so begun lighting on the said English<br />
house, the said English factors and their servants bestirred themselves<br />
to quench it and endeavoured to pull off the thatch for the<br />
better extinguishing the fire, but the dutch soe plied it (as this deponent<br />
understood for heewas now gonne aboard where hee was withinn sight of it namely within halfe an English mile of it)<br />
with small shott that the servants could not get up to pull downe<br />
And soe hee saith the said house was on the said first of May 1659
burnt and destroyed by the said dutch and their meanes, by such their<br />
firing and routing and XXX the XXX and keeping the<br />
XXX from being XXX. And XXX XXX XXX XXX<br />
XXX it logs were dangerously burnt, XXX or darker was XXX<br />
to be put to XXX XXX XXX. And further then this deponent while<br />
XXX XXX XXX XXX (whXXX XXX would on salt XXX XXX was above fourteene XXX<br />
or thereabout before the said firing) saw then there was XXX of goods and<br />
merchandize therein belonging to the said XXX XXX, of the<br />
XXX andqualities ention in the XXX XXX, and as XXX<br />
beleaveth the very qualities of the XXX therein expressed, XXX of<br />
quantities and knew and tooke notice of which goods and merchandize<br />
XXX were dXXX (saving the XXX) by the XXXby the said fire<br />
and XXX XXX XXX XXX following XXX<br />
deponent XXX) to XXX with his said prize, XXX XXX XXX<br />
XXX XXX XXX XXX requested him to returne with<br />
his boate and some of his Company and XXX of the Company to<br />
XXX XXX to XXX the XXX XXX was left in the XXX and ruine<br />
of the said cargo, all SSS of her goods being destroid with fire as<br />
aforesaid, whereof the said XXX and XXX XXX before this deponent<br />
XXX to XXX. And saith then this deponent and XXX of his<br />
Company in his boate and XXX of the said East India and XXX XXX and<br />
XXX in the XXX XXX and arriving on the said XXX XXX under XXX<br />
morn of XXX following for and firm, and endeavouring to goe from to<br />
XXX off the said iron (XXX about 200 barrs) the duty firme the XXX<br />
falls) the duty firme the XXX<br />
fall +