and if they please to come alsoe aboard h … and if they please to come alsoe aboard her, and visit her in my<br />
presence, they may freely doe it, wee will in freindshipp stay for them, or words to the same effect, and<br />
soe the said English persons departing o acquaint their said [?Captain]<br />
this deponent went aboard his said shipp and the said Commannder<br />
with him, in the said Commannders shallop, and looked for their<br />
comming aboard of the said Captaines, but saith that they came not<br />
thereupon this deponent caused his flagg to be spread and a gun to be [?shott]<br />
to invite or give them notice to come aboard, but still they came [?not]<br />
but after there came one of the said frigots<br />
neere to the ''Marcus Aurelius'', and sent her shallop aboard this deponent<br />
and demannded the name of this deponent and of his shipp<br />
which was told the persons that came in the boate, and withall [?alsoe]<br />
made them to come aboard and visit, and a note in [?XXX]<br />
given them purporting the names of this deponent and his shipp [?XX]<br />
a protest of readines to be visited, and of costs and dammages [?XXX]<br />
should happen in case the said shipp came after that time to [?be]<br />
staid and visited, and withall this deponent offered the master of the<br />
frigot who was in the boate, that seeing the Captaine [?cometh]<br />
hee should come aboard and visit the ''Marcus Aurelius'', which the [?XXX]<br />
refused saying hee had noe order therefore, And saith that neither had<br />
any of his company or other did hinder or oppose the visiting of the<br />
said shipp or visitation or abett such opposition, but on the<br />
contrary offered her to be visited. And further deposeth not.
To the 11th hee saith that the said person that soe came aboard this [?deponent]<br />
in the Texel for passage (who what countreyman hee was this deponent<br />
knoweth not) bespake this deponent upon his arivall in Portland<br />
that hee might goe aboard the convoy for teh rest of his passage, it [?being]<br />
the desire of most passengers to goe rather in the Convoy than in a [?XXX]<br />
man both for their greater accomodation which they can therein [?have]<br />
for their more securitie against Turkes and other pyrates, and [?att]<br />
his request this deponent caused him to be carried in his boate to<br />
the Convoy with his baggage, being two or 3 small truncks or coffers, with his<br />
bedd and bedding, and saving him there went noe other [?person]<br />
this hee saith was before the said Commannder of<br />
the Convoy came soe aboard this deponent. And further deposeth [?not]
Repeated before doctor Sweit surrogate
Ide Symonse [?burch] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 11th of November 1659. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the foresaid Interrogatories.
'''Jurian Houlthouse''' of Amsterdam Merchant, aged 40 yeares<br />
or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that hee hath knowne the shipp the<br />
''Marcus Aurelius'' from the time shee was first built, which was some<br />
nine yeares since to his best remembrance, and saith shee hath [?XX to ?XX]<br />
from Amstedam from time to time, but this deponent never went [?XX]<br />
voyage in her before the present, wherein hee embarked himselfe [?XX]<br />
passengerarked himselfe [?XX]<br />
passenger +