The same day [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined on … The same day [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined on the said allegation./.
'''Rp. 2'''
'''Edmund Yorke''' of Redriffe Mariner<br />
aged 40 yeeres or thereabouts and Sworne<br />
and Examined:/::
To the first hee saith hee cannot depose./:
To the second hee saith that hee hath bin<br />
Master of ships for about Tenn yeeres last, and in that<br />
time hath hired Cookes to serve in the ships that hee was<br />
Master of, and alwayes hyred them to Doe the worke of<br />
Comon Seamen as well as to doe the Office of<br />
a Cooke, and beleeveth that Cookes of ships are<br />
Generally hired to perform the office and place of Comon<br />
Seamen as well as the office of a Cooke, and further cannot<br />
To the third hee cannot depose
To the 4th. hee saith that hee hath gone to sea as a Mariner<br />
for about Twenty yeeres last, and for anout Tenne yeeres<br />
last hath bin Master of Ships, and thereby well Knowes<br />
that if any Goods wares or merchandizes whatsoever [?should be GUTTER]<br />
Imbezilled spoyled lost or dammifyed by a ships Company<br />
or some of them. the Cooke of such Ship is Liable to<br />
pay and disburse towards satisfaction of such damage<br />
as much as any one of the said ships Company. And<br />
this hee saith is generally knowne to Masters and mariners<br />
of ships and further cannot depose./
To the 5th. hee saith hee cannot depose./.
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.
To the Interrogatories:/ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first (it being done as requireed) hee saith hee is<br />
of the age of 40 yeeres or thereabouts, and is a Master of a Ship<br />
and hath lived longer then the time Interrate at Redriffe<br />
and hath knowne the Interrate fflew for about Tenne<br />
yeeres last but doth not (to his knowledge) knowe the Interrate<br />
To the second hee cannot estimate at present how much<br />
hee is worth, and otherwise negatively:/:
To the 3d. negatively.:/:
To the 4th. 5th. 6th. and 7th. hee hath not soe deposed:
To the 8th. negativetly./:
To the 9th. hee hath not soe deposed:/.
To the last hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing<br />
per me Edmund Yorke [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
per me Edmund Yorke [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +