they were sent on board the ''Bantam ffrig … they were sent on board the ''Bantam ffrigot'' by heir Comander<br />
or Admirall van Voorst, to Comande them not to trade there<br />
nor at any other places, on that Coast or to that effect<br />
and that the Comander the said Taylor come on board the said XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX<br />
Merchant of the ''Bantam'' there to come on board<br />
the ''Bantam'' and Imediatly the said Taylor sent for the<br />
said Newman, the said ffrancis Griffiths<br />
(who was on shore: to Come on board which accordingly<br />
hee did, and the said Dutch merchant<br />
told the said Newman to the same Effect as he had told the<br />
said Taylor and the said Newman thereupon went on<br />
board the said Comadore Van Voorst, and after hee had<br />
bin on board the said Comadore some space hee returned<br />
againe on board the ''Bantam'', and told the said Taylor<br />
that they were denied Trade, and that they must not<br />
Trade there any longer or to that effect, This hee deposeth<br />
for that hee was one of the Company of the said ship as aforesaid<br />
and tooke notice of the Premisses And further cannot depose
To the 8th hee saith that the next day after the said<br />
Mr Newman had bin on board the said Comadore. th<br />
said Captaine Taylor went on board the said<br />
Comadore or said Admirall but what words passed<br />
betweene him and the said Van Voorst hee knoweth not<br />
for that hee this Deponent went not a board with the said Taylor, but saith<br />
for that the said Taylor upon his Coming on board the ''Bantam''<br />
told this Deponent and severall other of the Mariners of the said<br />
ship, that they must be gone, for the Dutch Admirall told<br />
him that hee should not trade there, and that if they did<br />
not make way to be Gone, the Comadore would force them<br />
to be gone, or to that effect, And further cannot depose.
To the 9th and 10th hee saith that hee heard the said Comadore Van Voorst<br />
say on board the said ''Bantam ffrigot'' that if any attempt<br />
were made to bring any Pepper on board the said XXXX<br />
hee would, and must According to his Commission, take and<br />
seize the same, or to that effect, And the said Van Voorst<br />
Comanded one of his said Pinnace to lye at the River mouth<br />
att Indra Ponza to hinder the Bringing of any Pepper or<br />
other Comodityes from the shore on board XX XXXX<br />
And saith that Mr Newman coming in aboard and some<br />
Pepper therein from shore Intending to come directly to<br />
the ''Bantam ffrigot'', was by the said Pinnace seized, and<br />
all her Pepper taken out of her, and put on board the Pinnace<br />
And further hee saith hee cannot depose.
To the 11th, hee saith that any XXXXX after they had seized XXX<br />
and taken away the Pepper XXX XXX said the said Captaine Van Voorst GUTTER<br />
XXXXaptaine Van Voorst GUTTER<br />