The same day:
Examined on the said Allega … The same day:
Examined on the said Allegation:/:
'''Marie De Vos''' the wife of the foresaid Jan de Vos<br />
aged 43 yeeres or thereabouts: sworne and Examined
To the thirteenth article of the said Allegation (upon which alone shee is<br />
by Direction of Mr Smith Examined/ Shee saith and deposeth: that<br />
shee this Deponent hath well knowne the arlate John Tilly for about<br />
twenty yeeres last. and the said John Tilly for about Nine or<br />
Tenne yeeres last hath lived and resided at Amsterdam as<br />
a Merchant Stranger, and for about tenne yeeres before<br />
the said Tilly lived at Dover here in England where this<br />
Deponent first knewe him, and there the said Tilly his Mother<br />
lived with the said Tilly for many yeeres who was an<br />
Irish woman; and Could speake noe other Language then Irish<br />
And the said John Tilly is Commonly accomted an Irishman<br />
by Birth. and is a subject of this Comonwealth; The Premisses<br />
shee deposeth for that shee Lived at Dover, neere to the house<br />
where the said John Tilly there lived for the space of about<br />
tenne yeeres, and hath alsoe very often bin at the house where<br />
the said John Tilly lives at Amsterdam; And further cannot depose
To the Interrogatories./.[CENTRE HEADING]
To the 1st shee saith shee knoweth not the ship the ''hope'' Interrate<br />
And saith shee this Deponent was borne in Amsterdam, and is married<br />
to her Precontest Jan de Vos, and for theise tenne yeeres last<br />
hath lived in Middleborow, Amsterdam and London and to the rest<br />
To the second shee hath not soe deposed:/;
To the 3d shee cannot Answer/:
To the 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th shee hath not soe deposed./:
To the 9th shee saith shee saw the said John Tilly last at Amsterdam<br />
about three monethes since, and further saving her foregoeing<br />
deposition shee cannot Answer:
To the 10th and 11th shee cannot Answer/
To the 12th shee saith shee knoweth not where the Interrate Chanter[XXl]<br />
was borne and to the rest negatively./.
To the 13th and 14th shee hath not soe deposed../.
To the 15th she cannot Answer./.
To the 16th and 17th shee hath not soe Deposed./.
Repeated with her precontest<br />
before doctor Godolphin.
marie de vos [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]olphin.
marie de vos [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +