To the 13th article of the said Allegation … To the 13th article of the said Allegation (upon which alone<br />
hee is by direction of Mr Smith Examined) hee saith<br />
and deposeth that hee this Deponent well knoweth the<br />
arlate John Tilly Merchant residing at Amsterdam<br />
and soe hath done for theise twenty yeeres last or<br />
thereabouts, during all which space the said John Tilly<br />
hath lived at Amsterdam Holland, and Dover<br />
here in England, And saith hee the said Tilly lived<br />
at Amsterdam as a Merchant Stranger, And is a<br />
Subject of this Comonwealth of England; And<br />
is Generally and Commonly accomted an Irish<br />
=man borne, and soe this Deponent verily believeth<br />
hee is, And saith that hee this deponent well knewe<br />
the said John Tillyes ffather and mother, who were<br />
both Commonly accounted Natives of Ireland, and spoke<br />
both of them the Irish Language And Knewe the said<br />
John Tylly, first living at<br />
Dover, where this Deponent lived neere the house where the said Tilly there lived for<br />
yeeres together, and saith the said Tilly About<br />
18 or 19 yeeres since went two voyages with<br />
this Deponent from Dover and this Deponent hath bin oftentimes at<br />
the house of the said John Tilly in Amsterdam and<br />
thereby knoweth the Premisses And further cannot<br />
To the Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee was none of the Company of<br />
the ship ''Hope'' Interrate, and was borne at<br />
Niewport in fflanders and is a married man, and hath lived and<br />
kept his family for theise tenne yeeres last at Middleborow<br />
Amsterdam and London, and to the rest Negatively./.
To the 2d hee hath not soe Deposed./
To the 3d hee cannot Answer./:
To the 4th 5th 6th 7th and Eighth hee hath not soe deposed
To the 9th hee saith hee knoweth the Interrate ffernandez<br />
by sight, but beleeveth hee Doth not knowe the other<br />
partyes Interrate saving the said John Tilly, whom hee hath<br />
Knowne for the space aforesaid and saw the said ffernandez<br />
yesterday upon the Exchange, and sawe the said John Tilly<br />
last about a yeere and halfe since at Amsterdam and further cannot Answer:/.
To the 10th and 11th hee cannot Answer./.
To the 12th hee saith that hee knoweth not the Interrate<br />
Chanternel nor where hee was nborne, and to the rest<br />
negatively saying [?that] the said Tilly for about Nine yeeres last hath<br />
lived at Amsterdam, and before that hee lived at Dover:/
To the 13th and 14th hee hath not soe deposed.
To the 15th hee saith hee Knoweth the Interrate John Lopes, and further cannot<br />
To the 16th and 17th he hath not soe deposed:/:
Jan de Vos [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]eposed:/: