To the 22th hee saith that the said shipp … To the 22th hee saith that the said shipp arived without any pistolls, [?fowling GUTTER]<br />
peeces, swords or ammunition the said voyage other than for her [XXXX GUTTER]<br />
defense and [?provision], nor were any trucked or sold away in the West<br />
Indias, but John lopez gave foure away to freinds for [XXXX XXXX XX GUTTER]<br />
presents and not otherwise, which were all that were [?carried XXX XXX GUTTER]
To the 23 and 24th hee saith that the said John lopez after such [XXXX GUTTER]<br />
from the West Indias falling very sick even almost to death, [SSS GUTTER]<br />
doubting of life, called this deponent and the said Bets and others [XXX GUTTER]<br />
and holding in his hands and showing an account of the said goods [(?being GUTTER]<br />
as hee saith the account annexed and now showed unto him) declared<br />
unto them that it was a perfect account both of the outwards and<br />
homewards cargo, and desired them to deliver the goods aboard<br />
according thereunto, and [?avXXing] and declareing the particularities of<br />
the said goods as aforesaid, [XXXXly] affirmed that they belonged to<br />
Antony ffernandez and other the Imployers mentioned in the [XXXX GUTTER<br />
thereof [?speaking] of and meaning the producents, and [XXXX GUTTER]<br />
might come safe to them accordingly, and all this in the presence<br />
and heareing of this deponent. And further hee deposeth not.
To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee was borne in Waterford in Ireland<br />
and is a Maried man, and hath dwelt and kept his wife and<br />
family in and neere this City of London for tenne yeeres last<br />
or thereabouts and otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing<br />
deposition And to what followeth:/:
To the second hee answereth that hee was present at the buying<br />
of the ship and most of the outwards Cargoe, and sawe [?bills GUTTER]<br />
of Exchange from the Principalls in London sent to the said<br />
Tilly and Chanternell for the receiving of moneyes of one [XXXX GUTTER]<br />
and one Carrion marchants of Amsterdam upon whom<br />
the same was Drawne, towards payment for the said ship and<br />
Goods part of which money this Deponent helped to receive, And<br />
saith hee had goods in the said ship for which hee hath a<br />
Particular Claime, but hath noe Interest in those [XXXX GUTTER]<br />
in this Claime, And beleeveth the said outward Cargo[?e ?was GUTTER]<br />
wholly Mentioned in the schedule annexed, And otherwise<br />
refrrs himselfe to his foregoeing deposition./.
To the third hee saith that the said ship, and goods were<br />
bought and Provided, and the Trade mannaged upon the<br />
Accoumt and stock of all the said Claimers And [?each GUTTER]<br />
man Interested according to the Stock hee Advanced And<br />
Accordingly they carrie the Adventure./.
To the 4th hee cannot Answer Referring himselfe to his<br />
foregoeing deposition.
To the 5th hee Cannot Answer/:
To the 6th hee cannot answer<br />
for hee this Deponent was come away before the said Ship<br />
came from Milford Haven.
To the 7th hee saith hee Referreth himselfe to his for[?egoing GUTTER<br />
Deposition made in this Cause, and saving the same he cannot<br />
further Answer./.
<br />
To the 8th hee Cannot Answer.
Tobr />
To the 8th hee Cannot Answer.
To +