drinke and being aboard began to curse and … drinke and being aboard began to curse and sweare and<br />
sayd that there were some on board that thought much of<br />
his being a shoare And saith that the sayd Thomas Grove<br />
about an hower after hee soe came aboard (his hasty and<br />
angrie humour being over) did give order to weigh Anchor<br />
and did sett sayle upon the voyage in question And further to<br />
those articles hee cannot depose./
To the 7th hee cannot depose./
To the 8th hee cannot depose not being present When the sayd Grove<br />
spake any such words at L[?azeras] as is arlate, but saith hee hath<br />
heard him speake those or the like words afterwards at Newfound<br />
land while the shipp lay there in the harbour of Saint Johns./
To the 9th hee saith hee was not present when the arlate Luke Woods<br />
gave order to bring the wines and Brandy on shoare for the Governour<br />
of Newfound land but heard the sayd Woods afterwards saye that hee<br />
had given order for the bringing them on shoare and heard the sayd Wood<br />
find fault with the sayd Grove the Master for not sending them on<br />
shoare, and knoweth that the sayd Grove the Master did goe on shoare with<br />
the shipps boate at Newfound land and carry therein goods of his owne<br />
and a quantitie of bread before this deponent heard the sayd Wood finde<br />
fault with the sayd Grove for not sending the sayd wines and Brandy<br />
on shoare according to his order And further hee cannot depose
To the 10th and 11th articles hee saith that in the beginning of the moneth<br />
of August 1657 while the shipp ''Peace'' remayned at Newfound land to take<br />
in her ladeing of ffish there happened fowle and rayny weather for severall<br />
dayes soe that by reason thereof diverse Kintalls of fish which the arlate<br />
Luke Woods had provided to be laden aboard the sayd shipp could not<br />
for want of fayre weather to lade it in, be put aboard the sayd shipp,<br />
and this deponent being then aboard well remembreth that about<br />
the fifteenth day of that moneth the weather happened to be very fayre<br />
and fitt for ladeing the sayd fish, and therefore the sayd Woods and the arlate<br />
Tizard seeing it soe to be, called warly in the morning that day for the<br />
Mariners of the ''Peace'' to come on shoare to assiste in ladeing the<br />
fish soe provided, on board, while the weather was fayre, And saith<br />
that the sayd Grove the Master did send only sixe men on shoare to<br />
assiste the sayd Wood in ladeing the sayd ffish and kept the rest of the<br />
shipps company (save some few that were on shoare before) on<br />
shipp board, and this deponent after those six men were gone on shoare<br />
went alsoe on shoare to trimme and mend Casks as hee this deponent<br />
used to doe other dayes And saith that hee this deponent being on<br />
shoare saw the sayd Grove the Master and Robert Grove and Thomas<br />
Yeomans two of his Mates come that day with the shipps longe<br />
boate and therewith turne to the windeward and sayle up and downe<br />
(in the harbour for their pleasure and recreation by the space of<br />
three or fower howers coming sometymes neere the place where<br />
theymes neere the place where<br />
the +