First transcribed
16 December 2015 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
665 +
Parent volume
HCA 13/72 +
Verso +
Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 16/12/2015 +
The 20 … [ADD DATA]
The 20th of december 1658. [CENTRE HEADING]
Vanbrough and Nicholas}<br />
against [?Roes].}
Examined upon the foresaid Libell.
'''Jost Bateman''' of the parish of Saint Martins Orgar London<br />
Merchant, aged 38 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.
[ADD DATA]ereabouts sworne and examined.
Transcription image
[[File:IMG_121_11_5663.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_121_11_5663.JPG|[[:HCA 13/72|HCA 13/72]] f.665v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window +
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HCA 13/72 f.665v Annotate +
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16 December 2015 17:47:47 +