who went with him and also by some of the … who went with him and also by some of the sayd dukes Counsell told, the sayd Welch shewed the sayd duke and his<br />
Councell his sayd letters of Marque and desyred their protection for him<br />
selfe his sayd shipps and their Companyes, but could gett noe protection graunted<br />
And saith that while the sayd Welch was gone to the duke and his Councell to<br />
procure protection. the Generall of the sanes ffleete came in a chariott by<br />
land and spake upon the shoare side to the Company of the ''Endeavour''<br />
''ffrigott'' by his enterpreter and asked them for their Captaine and answere being by them returned<br />
that he was gone to Oldenburgh Citty the sayd Generall asked to speake with<br />
the foresayd Collins the Master of her and hee coming ashoare to the generall<br />
the generall by his enterpreter required the sayd Collins to surrender up<br />
the sayd shipps the ''Indeavour'' and ''Mary'' and to bring them downe the River<br />
to the place where his fleete laye, and sayd that his Captaine, Captaine<br />
Welch, when hee was his prisoner had promised him to deliver them<br />
to him, and the sayd Collins answered and sayd that hee had noe<br />
power to doe soe his Captaine being absent, and thereupon the Generall of the<br />
danes bid him send for his Captaine for hee was resolved to have<br />
the sayd shipps though it cost him fower hundred mens lives the takeing<br />
of them, and sayd that hee had soe many coming in smacks, and thereupon<br />
Peter ?Man?ce this deponents precontest boatswaine of the ''Endeavour'' was<br />
dispatched away to goe to the Captaine and acquainte him with what had happened<br />
and the sayd Generall departed and left his Interpreter to stay and bring<br />
the sayd Captaines answere, And the sayd Peter ?Man?ce mett the sayd<br />
Captaine Welch and brought him alonge with him and the sayd Welch<br />
being come the sayd Interpreter receaved answere from the sayd<br />
Welch that hee would not deliver the sayd shipps soe longe as hee and<br />
his men could fight or words to that effect All this hee deposeth being an<br />
eye and eare wittnesse thereof, And saith that the Interpreter being gone the sayd<br />
Welch came aboard and called this deponent and the rest of the officers of the<br />
''Indeavour'' and consulted with them what was fitt for that the smacks which<br />
the generall spake of were then come in sight (as in deede they were), and<br />
hee as hee sayd could get noe protection from the duke of Oldenburgh,<br />
and upon the consultation had, hee spake to his Company to<br />
knowe whether they would fight in defence of the ''Indeavour'' and ''Mary'' but<br />
found them by the threates of the sayd generall soe discouraged that they feared<br />
if they should bee wounded in the conflict they should get now quarter and that<br />
they were therefore not willing to fight (at least not above three or fower of them)<br />
whereupon it was by the sayd Welch and his Officers (whereof this deponent<br />
was one) thought fitt that the ''Indeavour'' and ''Mary'' should be blowne up and<br />
soe the Company went a shoare and a trayne was layed and Peter [?Nance] the<br />
Boatswaine gave fyre to it and swoXX away and soe the sayd shipps (there<br />
being noe hope to escape their being forcibly taken by the danish generall)<br />
were upon or about the seaventh of July last accordingly blowne up And saith<br />
that one denbigh who was Steward and Wallis the mate of the ''Indeavour'' was after<br />
the sayd vessells were soe blowne up taken prisoner by the danes as they ?were pasiing in a dutch vessell<br />
along the River of Bremer to goe to hamburgh and soe home for England<br />
And they were as the sayd [?WXXXs] since his comeing to England told this deponent imprisoned at Gluckstate<br />
and kept in Irons where the sayd denbigh still remayneth And further hee cannot answere/ remayneth And further hee cannot answere/ +