To the ninth he cannot depose, but by hear … To the ninth he cannot depose, but by hearsay.
To the tenth he deposeth that the arlate Crosford came not<br />
aboard the sayd shipp at Pennarth untill the 24th of<br />
January 1656 about noone and brought along with him<br />
one Nicholas Skidmore a Pilott, which Skidmore did by<br />
by the sayd Crosfords order and direction conduct and carry<br />
or pilott the sayd shipp to king=Roade neer Bristoll<br />
where the said shipp arrived on the sayd 24th of<br />
January 1656 at night, and he saith that when<br />
the sayd shipp went from Pennarth she left behind<br />
her a peece of a Cable and an Anchor, And further he<br />
cannot depose./
To the eleaventh article he deposeth that the sayd shipp<br />
being arrived at king Roade, one John Berry, a Pilott<br />
did by the expresse order and command of the sayd Croford<br />
the Master conduct and carry the said shipp kings=roade<br />
And further he cannnot depose.
To the twelth he deposeth that the arlate Mr Bradrick<br />
came aboard the sayd shipp when she lay in hung Roade<br />
as being employed by the Owners, and that by the order<br />
of the sayd Broadrick and of Croford the Master the<br />
goods were unladen out of the sayd shipp, and the<br />
shipp putt into the Carpenters hands, and that<br />
she was repayring about two months space, and that<br />
all the Cabins that hindred their worke (which were<br />
the maior part) were pulled downe during the sayd<br />
repayring of her And further he cannot depose.
To the 13th he deposeth that he the deponent who was in the sayd<br />
shipp all her outward bound voyage, and from the Barbadoes<br />
unto hung road nigh Bristoll as is predeposed never<br />
saw, knew, nor ever heard of any mutiny or any thing<br />
like a mutiny in the sayd shipps Mariners against the<br />
sayd Croford the Master And he deposeth that they did<br />
all carry themselves towards him and his commands obediently<br />
and with respect, and did doe their severall dutyes<br />
and labour in the sayd shipp And further he cannot<br />
To the fourteenth he deposeth that he knoweth not of any<br />
goods that were brought to the sayd shipps side, but what<br />
were taken in, And further he cannot depose./.
To the 15th and 16th he knoweth not to depose./.
To the last he saith his former deposition is true/
To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he comes to bee<br />
a wittnes voluntarily; unrequested by any man; and that<br />
he hath parted with some money towards the carrying on<br />
of this suite, And to the rest negatively.
To the second he answereth that he well knoweth all<br />
the parties Agents interrate, being one of their Company<br />
during all the voyage in question, and he saith for his<br />
part he wisheth right may take place.
part he wisheth right may take place.
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