Amber Gryse before it was made up in the s … Amber Gryse before it was made up in the said bagg; and by the<br />
weight and poi{?s]e of it in this deponents handsm it was in his<br />
Judgement full three pounds in weight. And saith that this<br />
deponent received the same if him, then and there on the shipp<br />
and upon [XXXX] and presently carried the same aboard the ''Endymion''<br />
where, because hee had noe conveniencie of disposing<br />
it on board in safetie hee delivered the said bagg of Amber Gryse<br />
to the arlate Alexander Reynalds or Reynolds cheife mate of<br />
the ''Endymion'', to be conveyed in the shipp in safetie, together with<br />
a hand kercheife containing many letters, amongst which was the foresaid<br />
letter[?s] of the said Russell; all which hee soe delivered in the steerage<br />
in the presence of his contest Simon Middleton; And the said<br />
R[XXXX] received the same and promised to deliver the same at this<br />
port, either to the said Russells wife, or to this deponent for her, as<br />
this deponent should require. But the said shipp ariving here<br />
the deliverie thereof to the said Russells wife, endeaavouring to<br />
[XXXX] her off with foure peeces of Indian cloth in<br />
stead thereof, this deponent being with her when shee made<br />
the demand. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving hee<br />
verily beleeveth the said Amber Gryse to be worth an hundred pounds<br />
sterling and upwards, having had speech with druggists touching<br />
the valew of such a quantitie, And saving this deponent in the shipps<br />
course severall times mentioned it to severall of the company in the<br />
presence of the said Reg[XXX], who never denied it till hee came home<br />
And saving that in the course meeting with two men of warr which were<br />
supposed to be enemies, this deponent prayed the said Reynoll alias<br />
Reynolds, that whatever became of this deponent or his goods, hee the<br />
said Regn[XXll] would be carefull that the said Amber Greece should<br />
be delivered to the said Russells wife, and hee promised this deponent<br />
that it should.
To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee is noe wayes interessed in this cause<br />
nor will it be any benefit or prejudice to him, which [?side] soever<br />
prevaile or be ober throwne in this cause And saith the said<br />
Regnoll hath arrested this deponent because of the demand of<br />
the said goods, and otherwise negatively.
To the second hee saith hee never saw any Amber Gryse, nor<br />
knowet what it is more than by reading, and by having drunck<br />
drinke wherein Amber Gryse hath bin put, And otherwise hee<br />
referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, and verily beleeveth the<br />
same to be reall Amber Gryse, because the said Russell hath used<br />
the [XXXX] whence it is usually brought.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
Mathew Wallace [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]phin.
Mathew Wallace [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +