Captain Bowmanss wages for himselfe and se … Captain Bowmanss wages for himselfe and servants was nine pounds per moneth, and soe<br />
per moneth hee lost in wages during his said imprisonment, besides<br />
hee had aboard (which was taken from him and his servants) in clothes<br />
and other goods and Instruments with plate and ammunition to the value of<br />
150 ''li'', and that hee the said Captaine had severall peeces of eight in a<br />
locker in the roundhouse, amounting as hee supposeth to 33 ''li'' 15 ''s'' sterling<br />
which hee knoweth being Purser of the said shipp and imprisoned with<br />
the rest of the company and seeing and taking notice of the premisses<br />
to be soe donne.
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
'''William Pennington''' of London Marchant aged 30<br />
yeares or thereabouts sworne and as aforesaid, saith<br />
and deposeth.
That hee well knoweth that James Bowman late commander of<br />
the shipp ''Morning Starr'', was turned out of his said shipp at<br />
Lisbone by the authoritie of the king of Portugall, and his said<br />
shipp sequestred and detained, and that his said imprisonment<br />
began the 12th of June 1650 and the same and his restraint or<br />
detention there lasted about thirteene monethes, in which space<br />
hee was not soe at libertie nor suffered to depart out of the<br />
countrie; which hee knoweth being there all the said time<br />
and imprisoned asome part thereof with the said mr Bowman
Wm: Pennington [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
'''Ambrose Gunn''' of London Mariner, late masters mate<br />
of the shipp ''Morning Starr'', James Bowman commander<br />
aged 40 yeeres or thereabouts sworne as aforesaid, saith
That hee was one of the company of the ''morning starr'' when shee<br />
was seized at lisbone, which happened in the moneth of June 1650<br />
at which time her said master and company were turned out of her<br />
and imprisoned by the authoritie and officers of the kinge of<br />
Portugall. And the said Bowman foure monethes after (when this<br />
deponent came thence) was under the said imprisonment;<br />
and that during his said restraint hee lost his wages for himselfe<br />
and servants, and supplied many of his companie with moneys<br />
Besides hee lost to the valew of 150 ''li'' in Instruments, bookes,<br />
plate and amunition, and lost a quantitie of peeces of eight<br />
which were in the round house, all which hee knoweth being his mate<br />
and alsoe imprisoned.
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
'''James Bowman''' of London mariner late Commander<br />
of the said shipp ''morning starr'', aged 34 yeares or<br />
thereabouts sworne as aforesaid, saith.
Thatreabouts sworne as aforesaid, saith.
That +