The twelveth day of August 1654. [CENTRE H … The twelveth day of August 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
On the behalfe of the said Thomas}<br />
and John Carter.}
'''Rp. 3us.'''
'''Robert Earle''' of the parish of Saint dunstans in the East<br />
London Scrivener, aged 39 yeares or thereabouts and sworne<br />
before the right Worshipfull the Commissioners appointed in the<br />
Portugall businesse, and examined on the behalfe of<br />
Thomas and John Carter upon certaine Interrogatories<br />
by them ministred in their claime saith and<br />
deposeth the followeth videlicet.
To the fifth Interrogatory hee saith and deposeth by vertue of his oath<br />
That having nowe seene and perused the bill of lading for foure<br />
drie fatts of fustians laden by William Carter of London merchant aboard the shipp the ''May flower'' (Thomas<br />
Bell commander) bound from this port for Lisbone dated the 6th of July 1647 subscribed thus,<br />
Thomas Bell, hee saith and deposeth that the said Thomas<br />
Bell is this deponents brother in lawe, and that this deponent hath bin<br />
acquainted with him twenty yeeres last or thereabouts, and hath e seene<br />
much of his writing, and many papers or writings written and subscribed with<br />
the proper hand of him the said Thomas Bell, and having compared<br />
the said subscription of the name of the said Thomas Bell, and the<br />
rest of the line wherein the same is written, hee is very well assured<br />
and confident that the said line and subscription is the proper hand writing of him<br />
the said Thomas Bell, Commander of the said shipp ''Mayflower''.
The 11th of August 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
On the behalfe of the Mariners of the}<br />
shipp the ''Talbot'' of London, Joseph Blowe}<br />
'''Joseph Blowe''' of London Mariner, late Commander<br />
of the said shipp the ''Talbot'' aged 49 yeeres<br />
or thereabouts, sworne before the right worshipfull<br />
the Commissioners, appointed in the Portugall<br />
business, saith and deposeth by vertue of his<br />
That the said shipp ''Talbot'' was seized at Bahia de Todos os Santos by<br />
the Ministers of the king of Portugall in the moneth of August 1650<br />
together with the lading of sugars then aboard her, and that the<br />
persons hereafter named were then of this deponents company and<br />
mariners of the said shipp, and had respectively aboard her for their owne<br />
accompts the severall parcells or quantities of sugars hereafter following<br />
that is to say, John Clerke this deponents mate had one chest and one<br />
feach of sugar, George Blowe another of his mates two chests of sugar<br />
William Lucas one chest of sugar, William Bouse one chest of sugar,<br />
Thomas Whitney one feach of sugar, James Tabor one chest and<br />
one feach of sugar, Thomas Arnold one chest and one feach of sugar<br />
John Clerke one chest and one feach of sugar, John Phillips one<br />
chest and one feach of sugar, Jonathan Daden one feach, Anthony<br />
Moore one chest of sugar and Bartholomew Anderson one feach of<br />
sugar, and that all the said sugars (which hee saith were all white sugars, were<br />
seized with the rest of her lading, and came into the possession of the<br />
Portugeses (with the said shipp) who clapped or put three locks<br />
upon the hatches, namely one for the king, another for the Customes and<br />
the third for the Bulso or Brazile company, and soe the said mariners were<br />
allsoe the said mariners were<br />
all +