soe knowne her ever since the moneth of Ju … soe knowne her ever since the moneth of July which was in the yeare<br />
<u>1655</u>. for and during all which time and untill the moneth of September<br />
last past in the yeare <u>1656.</u> this deponent served in and aboard the said shipp<br />
as ánd for Masters-mate, And thereby well knoweth both by the constant<br />
relation of the Master of the said shipp and by the lading of her outwards<br />
Cargo upon the voiage in question, which hee this deponent received stowed and by his<br />
direction caused to bee stowed in and aboard the said shipp that the greater,<br />
and most considerable part thereof was for and upon the accompt of the<br />
arlate John Jefferies Thomas Colcolough and others the Owners and<br />
imployers of the said shipp upon the sais Voiage, and that they were<br />
and at present ought to bee the true and Lawfull Proprietors thereof<br />
as is the propriety of the shipp the ''Sarah'' arlate or of her<br />
lading hee this deponent cannot of his owne knowledge say or depose any<br />
thing, for that soe farr as hee remembreth, hee never saw her till after<br />
the time of her seizure hereafter expressed./:-
To the second hee saith; That in the moneth of december which was<br />
in the yeare 1655. the said shipp ''Rappahannacke'' being laden and<br />
imployed by the said John Jeffreys and Thomas Colclough did<br />
sett out and proceed upon her voisage from Gravesend on the<br />
River of Thames to Guinney, being thense designed to Virginia,<br />
shee having here putt on board her by her said Owners and Implyoers<br />
a cargo of severall goods and merchandises, videlicet Silesia linnens<br />
Callicoes, Perpetuana's, iron, tinsell, scarlett cloath, bo[?w]dges and other goods<br />
for the proper accompt of the said imployers to bee in the said shipp<br />
transported to Guinney aforesaid, and there to bee bartered away<br />
for negroes thense to be carried to Virginia and there to bee sould<br />
or otherwise disposed of for the said producents accompt, with which<br />
outwards Cargo the said shipp safely arrived in the parts of Guinney<br />
aforesaid. The premisses, hee saith, hee well knoweth, being as aforesaid<br />
masters mate of the said shipp during the said Voiage/
To the third hee saith, hee cannot of his owne knowledge depose<br />
any thing thereunto; saving the said shipp ''Sarah'' did safely arrive and traded at Guiney aforesaid
To the fowerth hee saith, That after the arrivall of the said shipp the<br />
''Rappahannacke'' at Guiney aforesaid, the Master and Merchants<br />
of the said shipp being joyntly Commissionated by the said Owners and Imployers<br />
did traffique and barter away part of their said outwards Cargoe, and<br />
therewith bought and provided about fifty negroes, and had a very<br />
great and considerable part of their said outwards lading still remaining<br />
on board for the gaining and providing of a greater number of negroes<br />
which they might easily and speedily have procured if they had not<br />
been surprized seized and diverted from such their trading by<br />
meanes of the seizure hereafter deduced, And, referrring himself<br />
to the reasons of his knowledge predeposed, hee saith hee cannot further<br />
depose any thing of his owne knowledg, saving that hee this deponent<br />
hath since severall times heard the Master and severall of thetimes heard the Master and severall of the +