'''B: 15.'''
The 15th of January 1656.
T … '''B: 15.'''
The 15th of January 1656.
The claime of Antonio ffernandez Caravajall Merchant}<br />
of London for his goods in the ''Irish Merchant'' alias the}<br />
''dolphin'' seized by Richard Webb and company.}
Examined upon an allegatIon<br />
given in this cause on the<br />
behalf of of the said Signr<br />
ffernandez the 30th of<br />
July 1656
'''Rp. [?X XXXX]'''
'''John Lopez de Miranda''' of Cadiz in Spaine merchant<br />
aged 27 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the second and third articles of the said allegacion hee saith and deposeth that<br />
after the producent Antonio ffernandez Caravajall, had hired and taken<br />
the said shipp the ''Irish Merchant'' to freight for the Canarie Ilands the<br />
voyage in question namely about a yeere since, hee laded and caused to be<br />
laded aboard her then lying in the River of Thames severall sorts of ffrench<br />
linnen and other goods and merchandizes to the value of twelve hundred<br />
pounds sterling or thereabouts for his owne accompt, to be transported<br />
in her for the Iland of Teneriff, there to be delivered to, and sold<br />
and disposed of by his factors for his proper account, and the proceede<br />
thereof to be invested in wines, and other merchandizes, thence to be retourned<br />
unto him and for his account, which he knoweth to be true because hee<br />
this deponent was here present and sawe and assisted in the lading<br />
of the said goods aboard the said shipp in the River of Thames on the behalfe<br />
of the said mr ffernandez, for whom this deponent was to goe factor<br />
with the said goods for the Canaries and was well acquainted with such<br />
proprieties and the designe of the whole voyage and saith that hee<br />
this examinate by order of the said mr ffernandez did accordingly proceede<br />
hence with the said shipp and goods so here laden for Teneriffe in the<br />
service of the said Mr ffernandez as his factor, and had order from him<br />
to sell and dispose of the said goods (soe hence transported) for the use and<br />
advantage of the said ffernandez, and to retourne the proceede thereof in<br />
wines and other goods to this port for the account aforesaid.
To the fourth article and the schedule therein mentioned annexed to the said<br />
allegation and nowe showed unto him he saith and deposeth that before such<br />
this deponents departure hence with the said ship the said voyage,<br />
hee in the qualitie aforesaid by writing in Spanish under his hand<br />
acknowledged the said goods soe here laden to be for the said ffernandiz<br />
his account, and undertooke therein to sell and dispose the same (had<br />
conducting him to the Canaries) to the best benefit hee could, and to send<br />
the proceede thereof in wines and other goods to the said ffernandez to this<br />
port, referring himselfe for the more certaintie of the contents of the<br />
said bill itself, which hee saith was and is true and real and subscribed<br />
on or about the day of the date thereof (and before the departure hence of<br />
the said shipp) with the name and sirname (sic) and by the proper hand of him this<br />
To the sixth article hee saith and deposeth that after the lading of the foresaid<br />
goods in this port, the said shipp (and this deponent is here in the qualitie aforesaid)<br />
departede qualitie aforesaid)<br />
departed +