The answere of the said '''John Danielsen' … The answere of the said '''John Danielsen''' to the fu[rther GUTTER]<br />
Interrogatorie. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the said Interrogatorie hee saith that his contest Robert hunter<br />
bought the fore said two pipes of wine (said by this deponent<br />
to bee belonging to mr webb) of John Lopez del Miranda, in exchange<br />
or truck for a bale of goods, and after they agreed that the said two pipes<br />
should be there delivered to mr John Page, paying sixtie pounds sterling<br />
for the same. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin
Jan danielsen [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The answere of the said '''Balhache''' to the said Interrogatorie.
Saith that two pipes of wine which mr hunter bought of this<br />
deponents said master John Lopez da Miranda the said hunter was here to deliver (by agree[?ment GUTTER]<br />
betweene him and the said Miranda, to which this deponent was [XXX GUTTER]<br />
to mr John Page, hee the said Page paying sixtie pounds [for the GUTTER]<br />
same. and otherwise hee cannot depose, saving<br />
mr hunter gave the said Miranda an obligation to Jay baillerhache [SIGNATURE, SIDE]
deliver the said two pipes to mr Page, to this deponents<br />
best remembrance./
Jay baillerhache [SIGNATURE, CENTRE]
Repeated before doctor Godolphin
The 19th of July 1656
Touching the shipp the}<br />
''Transportation'', whereof William<br />
Twaits was late Master}
'''Cheeke dt.'''
'''Alexander Symonds''' of Kings Lynne in the County of<br />
Norfolke Merchant, aged 40 yeares or thereabouts, and<br />
'''Charles Gander''' of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex<br />
Shipwright, aged 36 yeares or thereabouts sworne<br />
as in the Acts of Court, say and depose by<br />
vertue of their oathes.
That the shipp the ''Transportation'' (whereof William Twaits was<br />
Master) and whereof three eigthth parts were<br />
lately condemmd by default in this Court) is in a perishing condition<br />
and through want of tarring, splits and teares with the heate of the<br />
sun, and opens and otherwise perishes, which they knowe further<br />
they have on this day bin aboard her as shee is lying neere<br />
Shadwell Dock, and [?veiwed] and found her to be in such ill condition<br />
as aforesaid, and if shee lives longer shee will deteriorate and grow<br />
daily worse and worse through want of calking and other necessarie<br />
Both repeated before doctor Godolphin.
Alex. symond [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]<br />
Charles gander [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] />
Charles gander [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +