out presently for helpe And caused at leas … out presently for helpe And caused at least a hundred men out of other<br />
shipps and from shoare to come aboard the ''Imployment'' to helpe them<br />
to pumpe and bayle her and soe preserve her from sinkeing that they might get her to<br />
shoare and stopp her leake receaved by the meanes aforesayd And<br />
further to these articles hee cannot depose./
To the 12th article hee saith that the Master and Company of the ''Imployment''<br />
with the helpe they had soe procured did their utmost endeavour by<br />
pumpeing and bayleing continually to have gotten the sayd shipp ''Imployment''<br />
aoe cleere as that they might have gotten her to shoare to have stopped her<br />
leake, but could not get her a shoare till five tydes after shee bilged<br />
upon the sayd Anchor as aforesayd, although during the sayd five tydes<br />
the sayd Master of the ''Imployment'' kept sixty men and upwards besides the<br />
Company of the ''Imployment'' to pumpe her and endeavour to get her on<br />
shoare, and saith hee is well assured it could not choose but cost<br />
the sayd Master of the ''Imployment'' a very considerable summe of money every<br />
tyde to pay those who laboured aboard her, but the certaine summe<br />
it soe cost them hee cannot depose this hee deposeth being aboard and an eye wittness of the premisses And further to this article hee<br />
cannot depose/
To the 13th hee saith that hee well knoweth for that hee hath belonged to the sayd<br />
shipp the ''Imployment'' hee saith that hee well knoweth for that hee hath belonged to the sayd<br />
shipp the ''Imployment'' for about twelve moneths last past, that the sayd shipp before<br />
shee received the damage predeposed of was a stronge staunch and sufficient<br />
shipp, and saith shee is about three hundred tonns burthen, And hee saith<br />
that the sayd shipp by her setting upon the Anchor aforesayd and by her<br />
being hawled and heaved to shoare to stopp her leake receaved<br />
by meanes of the sayd Anchor was much weakened shee being heavie<br />
laden with Coales (whereof shee had delivered but a few) and heavie<br />
with the water receaved into her, soe that in getting her to shoare much of her<br />
tymber worke was unavoidably broken and much of her rigging<br />
spoiled And this deponent verily beleeveth and is in his conscience perswaded that the damage done to her<br />
by reason of her bilgeing upon the sayd Anchor and her being soe heaved and<br />
hawled to shoare to be mended, will cost her owners in the repayres<br />
thereof above twenty pounds sterling to make her in soe good condition<br />
as shee was before shee bilged upon the sayd Anchor, And saith that<br />
if the ''Imployment'' had not bin a tight stronge shipp shee might by the<br />
meanes of the samage aforesayd have lost her whole hull, And hee saith<br />
if shee had sunke in the midest of the River hee beleeveth it would have<br />
cost a great summe of money to have had her weighed up shee being laden with<br />
Coles And further to this article hee cannot depose./urther to this article hee cannot depose./ +