harbour and had dispossessed him and his c … harbour and had dispossessed him and his company of her, and had<br />
imbarques him and those other English in that shipp comming from<br />
hispaniola to be carried prisoners for Spaine, and saith the said Tompson<br />
showed this deponent certaine papers and dispatches in Spanish brought<br />
(as hee said) from Santa domingo, wherein (to his last remembrance) there was declaration made that<br />
the said Governour had confiscated the said shipp wherein the said<br />
Thompson and also Nathaniel Maverick (who came alsoe prisoner with<br />
him to Palma) were, and a paracell of salt that wa in her.<br />
Ansd otherwise hee cannot depose, saving the said Thompson being then<br />
in want, this deponent and other English marchants at Palma entertained<br />
him and lent him moneys,
To the 6. 7. 8 and 9th hee cannot depose.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin./
The third of November 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
The foresaid ffernandez against}<br />
Marcus de la Rumbida.}
Examined upon the foresaid libell.
'''Alonso de ffonseca Meza''' of London Merchant aged 21 yeares<br />
of thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee<br />
this deponent in or about the moneth of August 1645 came to be<br />
servant in the way of merchandize of and to the producent Antonio<br />
ffernandez Carvajall and continued in that service and imployment from<br />
that time to the present and for severall yeares last of that space hath<br />
managed and bin keeper of the bookes of entries and accompts of<br />
the said producent, and of the copie bookes of letters and advises, and thereby<br />
and by severall letters under the hand of the arlate Marcus de la Rumbida<br />
remayning amongest the papers and dispatches of the said producent<br />
this deponent hath found and seene that the time arlate the arlate<br />
Alonso da Sierra and domingo da Sariculea were the factors and<br />
correspondents of the said Marcus de la Rumbida, and for such the<br />
said Marcus de la Rumbida acknowledged them in his said letters, and<br />
for such they were and are commonly accompted and reputed. And<br />
otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the second article of the said allegation and the first and second schedules therein<br />
mentioned and nowe showne unto him and by him perused hee saith and<br />
deposeth that by the said letters of the said Marcus de la Rumbida<br />
remayning amongest the said producents papers this deponent findeth<br />
and knoweth that the said de la Rumbida within the said time gave<br />
order and direction unto the said producent residing here in London<br />
to send over into Spaine into the said Sierra and Sariculea<br />
all and singular the goods wares and merchandizes mentioned and expressed<br />
in the said first and second schedules, and this deponent beleeveth<br />
that they are for his the said Rumbidas accompt because hee gave order for them<br />
And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving what followeth.
To cannot depose, saving what followeth.
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