or words to that effect And further saving … or words to that effect And further saving his subsequent deposition hee<br />
cannot depose/.
To the 7th 8th 9th and 10th articles hee saith the damage predeposed happened<br />
meerely by the willfullnesse of the Master and Company of the ''Waterhound'',<br />
and by his willfull lufting his sayd ship inwards as aforesaid,<br />
and hee saith the same damage had not happened if the Master and Company of<br />
the ''Waterhound'' had not soe lufted his sayd ship inwards which they needed<br />
not to have done for that they might have layne safely on the outside of<br />
the William without lufting inwards upon her if they had pleased, And<br />
saith the two shipps which laye within the ''William'' were much indangered by the<br />
Master and Company of the ''Waterhound'' then(?) lufting their sayd ship in manner afore<br />
said, And hee this deponent well knoweth that before the damage predeposed of<br />
happened the sayd ship the ''William'' of Gainsburrowe was a strong staunch<br />
and tight ship, this hee knoweth for that hee was one of her Company and knoweth shee<br />
brought and delivered her ladeing at London about two dayes before the damage<br />
aforesayd happeared drye and well conditioned and saith the sayd ship was bound<br />
after her sayd ladeing delivered for Sheilds arlate, there to lade salt and carry<br />
the same to Gainsburrowe, but after the damage predeposed of ?recieved, hee<br />
saith her Master and Company endeavouring to carrie her downe the River<br />
of Thames in prosecution of the sayd voyage, she tooke in soe much water<br />
into her houlds before she came to Greenwich arlate, that the sayd Master and Company<br />
were forced there to put her ashoare to repayre and amend her leakes and dammages<br />
receaved by the meanes of the Master and Company of the Waterhound as afoursayd<br />
before they durst adventure to Sea in her, the repayre of which damages<br />
hath cost and will cost the arlate Huntington and Company (as hee beleeveth)<br />
at least tenn pounds sterling, And hee alsoe saith that the sayd<br />
shipp the ''William'' being bound as aforesaid for Sheilds and Gainsburgh hath<br />
by reason of the damage aforesayd spent and will spend in the necessarie<br />
repaires thereof as much tyme as while shee might have accomplished for<br />
sayd intended voyage, soe that the sayd Huntington and Company (besides<br />
the and ?XX predeposed of) will in this deponent’s judgement be damnified in losse of<br />
tyme, victualls, and mens wages to the value of tenn pounds more of like<br />
money And further to these articles hee cannot depose./
To the 12th hee cannot depose./
To the 13th and 14th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to the Registrie of this<br />
Court and to his foregoing deposition and to the lawe and further hee cannot<br />
To the 15th hee saith hee beleeveth the arlate Constant to be a subiect of this<br />
Commonwealth and a subiect to the jurisdiction of this Court and further hee cannot<br />
To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true/
<br />
'''J.Suckley''' [LEFT MARGIN]
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth of his knowledge in this cause<br />
being soe required to doe by the Interrogate Huntington to whom hee is a servant by the yeare<br />
for the yearely wages of three pounds which the sayd Huntington is yearely to pay him during<br />
such tyme as hee stayeth with him, and saith there is about fifty shillings due to him from<br />
the sayd Huntington and saith hee hath observed that if any more than three shipps<br />
lyeany more than three shipps<br />
lye +