To the third hee sayeth hee knoweth nothin … To the third hee sayeth hee knoweth nothing thereof./
To the fourth hee sayeth, that this interrogatorie doeth not concerne him this<br />
rondant and therefore hee answereth nothing thereunto
To the Interrogatorie in the second place./
To the first hee referreth himself to his forgoing deposition:/
To the second hee sayeth that hee this rondant remembereth, That one ''Mary''<br />
was in and aboard the vessele the flagg of Truce, one Mr. Waters [GUTTER]<br />
the ?Hovelings one shimner in the Cooke, and one Lambert in the Mary<br />
being all prizes brought up to the Isle of Wight by the said Captain<br />
Stanton, and remaining at or neeare the Cowes during the time this<br />
rondent was there as aforesaid: And further cannot depose :/
To the Third hee answereth, That hee this rondent and the interates<br />
Mr. Robert Rich and Mr. Browne deputy Marshale of this Court<br />
Went downe to the Isle of Wight in the month of January 1654 - -<br />
And saith hee never was or discoursed with the interrate Captain Stanton<br />
about the businesse in question till the time hee saw him at the Isle<br />
of Wight in the Companie aforesaid, And cannot further depose./
To the fourth hee sayeth hee referreth himself to his forgoing deposition.
To the fifth, hee referreth himself to his forgoing deposition, and saith<br />
the prizes predeposed did lye under the Command of Cowes Castle<br />
Whereof Captain Baskett was and is Commander:/
To the 6th hee sayeth hee did not see any thing to the schedule interrate:/<br />
as is interrate, and otherwise rondent depose:/
To the 7th: hee hath not deposeth any thing to the 2nd schedule interrate:/
To the 8th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof:/
To the 9th hee saith, That the interrate Robert Rich did sell some<br />
of the said wines for 25. some for 26. And some for 27li a tunne<br />
to vintners of London, Salisbury, and Bristol, and Southampton,<br />
And further knoweth not /:.
repeated before Doctor Clerke./
The 6th July 1655
The Lord proctecter against the shipp<br />
the ?Kapper ?hammark and against a<br />
Brestman of warr called the Corneluis<br />
Budd Smyth
Examined upon an allegation on the<br />
behalfe of Edward Goudwin and<br />
company given the 16th of june 1655<br />
and annexed to a Commission.
'''John Shakerley''' of ffalmouth sailer aged 17 years<br />
or thereabouts Sworne and examined.<br />
To the second and third articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth<br />
that on a day happening about the six weekes or two monethes since that<br />
the ?kapper ?hammark Richard hull nor) being taken by a Brestmann of<br />
warr and lying under the command of the said Brestman at ?fappe GUTTER<br />
haigh on the coast of ffrance where the said man of warr attended an XX?where the said man of warr attended an XX? +