not as yet atteyned their respective ages … not as yet atteyned their respective ages of one and twenty yeares<br />
And hee alsoe saith that there hath bin and is a Common reporte amongst<br />
Merchants upon the Exchange London (which report this deponent beleeveth<br />
to be true) that the sayd Sampson hopkins and Roger Viviian are both<br />
departed this life And hee saith that hee hath seene a letter from<br />
Smirna intimateing and expressing that the sayd Roger Vivian<br />
dyed at Constantinople in or about the moneth of August one thousand<br />
sixe hundred fifty one And hee alsoe saith that hee hath heard<br />
one hellen who served this deponent, saye that shee was servant<br />
of the sayd Sampson hopkins at the tyme of his decease and<br />
that hee dyed at Coventrie and this deponent hath heard and beleeveth that hee there dyed in the moneth of October one<br />
thousand sixe hundred fiftie two The premisses hee deposeth for<br />
the reasons aforesayd And further to this allegation hee cannot depose/
Repeated efore doctor Clarke/
The 28th of June .<u>1655.:-</u> [CENTRE HEADING]
The Lord Protector against the shipp called the}<br />
''hare in the field'' (whereof one John kein was}<br />
Master) and her tackle apparrell and furniture}<br />
and goods wares and Merchandizes in the same}<br />
taken and seized by some shipps in the immediate}<br />
service of this Commonwealth. Budd}
Examined upon an Allegation given<br />
on the behalfe of his highnesse the<br />
Lord Protector:
'''Rowe dt. jus/'''
'''Frans Jansen Brower''' of Amsterdam Mariner Master<br />
of the shipp the ''Sampson'' of Amsterdam aged 36. yeares<br />
or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and examined saith and<br />
deposeth as followeth videlicet
To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That hee this<br />
deponent being at haver de Grace in ffrance about two moneths time did<br />
then and there see and observe the said shipp the ''hare in the field'' (whereby<br />
John kein then was Master) And that shee departed thence whilen this<br />
deponent was there upon the Voiage wherein shee was lately seized by the<br />
English, but whether any of her Companie were frenchmen or Subjects of<br />
the french king, this deponent saith hee knoweth not, And further cannot<br />
To the second hee saith, That during this deponents being as aforesaid at haver<br />
de Grace hee well saw and observed, That severall goods wares and Mer<br />
chandizes being piece goods were then and there taken from aboard one or two sewerall hoyes and laden aboard<br />
the said shipp the ''hare in the field'', but from whence the same were brought this<br />
deponent saith hee knoweth not, neither doeth hee knowe any thing concerning<br />
any goods aboard the said shipp, nor their valewe, nor the time or place of their lading<br />
further or otherwise then is by him predeposed, And further cannot depose him predeposed, And further cannot depose +