of Tobacco's at Bordeaux, and had shipped … of Tobacco's at Bordeaux, and had shipped the same in a<br />
flemish vessell for his accompt for Morleaux, And he<br />
further saith that he did often heare the said producent<br />
say that he wondred that he heard not of the said<br />
Tobacco's and was in much expectation to heare of them<br />
a long while, untill at length the news came that<br />
the said fflemish vessell with the said Tobacco's in her,<br />
was seized on by an English private man of warr<br />
between Bordeaux and Morleaux and carryed into<br />
Jersey or Guarnsey And further he cannot depose.
To the Interrogatoryes [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he commeth to testify in<br />
this cuse at the request of the producent, that it will bee<br />
neither proffitt nor losse to him the Rendent whatsoever<br />
becomes of the goods interrate, And to the rest negatively./
To the second Interrogatory he answereth that he was in England<br />
when the said Tobacco's were bought, And he saith that<br />
the producent Mr harbyn did tell and acquaint this Rendent<br />
that he had orderd the money to be received by Mr Carey for<br />
the buying of the said Tobacco's, And to<br />
the rest he cannot answeare./
To the third he answereth that he this Rendent hath seene<br />
many of the producents Letters concerneing his Merchant=affaires<br />
but he saith he doth not remember particularly that he saw<br />
the Letter, which as the said producent told this Rendent he<br />
had writt to the said Mr Carey about the Tobacco's interrate And further he<br />
cannot answeare.
The fourth and fifth Interrogatoryes concerne not this Rendent.
Repeated before Doctor Clerke./
Richard Beavis. [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
25th of June 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
Slany and Chappell against}<br />
'''Nathanael Browning''' of the parish of Saint James<br />
Clarkenwell in the County of Middlesex Clothworker<br />
a wittnes produced, and sworne and being<br />
examined he deposeth and saith as followeth./
To the Eighth, ninth, tenth and eleaventh articles of the sayd Libell<br />
he deposeth and saith That he this deponent was in or about<br />
the monethof ffebruary last past appoynted Landwayter<br />
unto the shipp the ''George'' of London arlate (wherof<br />
one Richard Steevens was Master) and that he the deponent in<br />
the performance of his duty belonging to his sayd place was<br />
present at Cocks=Key adioyning unto ffresh=wharfe nigh London bridge<br />
when a great Number of Raysins [?Solis] were taken on shoare<br />
out of a Lighter, which came from aboard the said shipp<br />
the ''George'' of London with the said goods, and that of he barrells<br />
of Raysins Solis then taken on shoare there were about two and<br />
forty barrells very much damnifyed by having received wett And he<br />
saith that he verily beleiveth the said goods received their dammage<br />
in the said Lighter (the name wherof he knoweth not) because they<br />
were wett at their taking out of the sayd Lighter, And he<br />
furthere sayd Lighter, And he<br />
further +