was or is to or in the shipp in Controvers … was or is to or in the shipp in Controversie./:-
To the second shee saith, shee knoweth nothing of the Contents thereof saving<br />
his precedent deposition to which shee referreth:-
Upon the rest of the articles of the said Libell shee is not examined by<br />
direction of the producent:-/
Repeated before doctor Clerke
The 23. of January <u>.1654:-</u> [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the sayd Allegation or Complaint of Nullity:-
'''Jane Freeman''' of Fanchurch parish in the Citie of London<br />
Widdow aged 60. yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined<br />
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/
To the fowerth article of the said Allegation shee this examinate saith and deposeth<br />
That shee hath seene and perused a certaine Inventary and accompts of<br />
the estate of Robert ffreeman this deponents husband deceased, wherein shee hath observed<br />
that the shipp ''Sarah Bonadventure'' in question is mentioned,<br />
And that one sixteenth part thereof did belong to the said Robert<br />
ffreeman, And saith that by an Extract out of the bookes of accompts of the said<br />
Robert ffreeman, which this deponent hath seene and verily beleeveth to be true and<br />
reall, the said 16th part of the said shipp was and is valewed at 65 ''li'' sterling or<br />
thereabouts, And hath observed in and upon the said Robert ffreemans Inventarie that the said shipp<br />
had made three Voiages wherein heee was interessed, but to what valew this deponent<br />
knoweth not. And further cannot depose
To the rest shee is not examined by consent of the producent./
Repeated before doctor Clerke/
[?Jane ?Bremen] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 24th day of January <u>.1653:-</u> [CENTRE HEADING]
Dorvile and Companie against}<br />
Tresaure Suckley. Smith}
Examined upon an Allegation given on the behalfe of the<br />
said Tresaure:-/
'''Tobias Barnes''' of the parrish of Saint Bride in ffleetstreet<br />
London Gentleman aged 34. or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne<br />
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/
To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That hee this<br />
deponent hath often seene and perused the Commission or letter of Marque arlate<br />
And further referreth himselfe to the Registrie of this Court and to the Contents<br />
of the said Commission:-
Top the second hee saith, That by Vertue of the said Commission upon or about the<br />
19th day of Aprill <u>1654:-</u> the arlate keeling and Companie sett out the shipp<br />
or man of warr named the Venture under the Commannd of the arlate<br />
John Tresaure who had the said Commission aboard where this deponent read and<br />
perused the same for his owne satisfaction, and saith that at that time there was<br />
no newes or notice at Yarmouth, from whence the said mann of warr sett saile<br />
upon the Voiage in question, of any peace made concluded or published between<br />
this Commonwealth and the United Netherlands, nor that the said Tresaure and<br />
Companie had any notice thereof, so farr as this deponent, who was in and belonged<br />
to the said Vessell, did then heare or observe. And further cannot depose./re or observe. And further cannot depose./ +