The 23. day of december <u>1654:-< … The 23. day of december <u>1654:-</u> [CENTRE HEADING]
Stephen Slany Nathan Wright and others}<br />
for goods in the shipp ''John Adventure''. Smith}
'''dt. Peake'''
Examined upon Interrogatories on the behalf of the said<br />
Slany and others remaining upon the file of<br />
the yeare 1648; and upon the schedule thereunto annexed
'''Captaine Eustace Smith''' of Ipswich in the<br />
Countie of Suffolke formerly Commander of the said<br />
shipp ''John Adventure'' a Wittnes sworne and examined
To the 4th of the said Interrogatories and schedule annexed hee saith and deposeth That the said<br />
schedule was made and extracted out of this deponents booke of the<br />
markes and number of the goods, the shipping and consignement thereof as in the<br />
said schedule is expressed, And saith That this deponent being upon his Voyage from<br />
this Port of London towards Saint Lucar or Cadiz in Spaine with the said shipp ''John''<br />
''Adventure'' and her ladeing, (being the Voyage in question) one John Wilmott<br />
a Merchant of this Citie goeing passenger and haveing a very considerable quantitie<br />
of goods and Merchandizes to him belonging in and aboard the said shipp<br />
hee the sad Wilmott some daies before the seizure of the said shipp by<br />
the revolted fleet under Prince Rupert, came to this deponent and told him hee would<br />
give him one of the neatest boxe combes that ever hee had seene, and thereupon<br />
at the desire of the said John Wilmott the deponent went with him between the<br />
decks of the said shipp, where being come the said Wilmot opened a great<br />
Chest or trunke which hee had there, expressely to take out and give this deponent<br />
the said combe which hee had so promised, and at the same time showed unto<br />
this deponent who then and there observed a parcell of bonelace and silver lace, a<br />
parcell of stockings amd two with scarlett cloakes new with a rich gould and<br />
silver lace, which hee the said Wilmott then and there affirmed to this deponent<br />
were his proper goods, whereupon this deponent replyed, Mr Wilmott I much<br />
admire that you should lett a trunke of goods of so great valew stand here<br />
and not to be putt into the hold, for if they should come to be imbeazeled broke<br />
up and stole away, there being no bills of ladeing signed for the same, there<br />
is none that can or ought to be responsible to you for them, or words to that<br />
or the like effect, hee further saith, That this deponent never entred the<br />
said goods nor any of them into his said booke, neither are they mentioned<br />
in the schedule interrate (being as aforesaid an Extract out of the said booke)<br />
for that this deponent tooke no charge of, nor signed any bill of ladeing<br />
for the same, And saith This deponent verily beleeveth and is convinced in<br />
Conscience by the observation hee then made of the said goods being very<br />
rich and costly, that they were of the valew of three hundred and<br />
thirty pounds sterling or thereabouts. And as to the<br />
particular quantities or valewes of the said goods this deponent saith hee<br />
cannot depose, neither doeth hee remember or did take notice of the<br />
marke or markes of the same. This deponent further saith, That besides the<br />
goods by him in this his deposition predeposed, one John hassell likewise<br />
(a, one John hassell likewise<br />
(a +