deponent by the order and upon the accompt … deponent by the order and upon the accompt predeposed, were at the time of<br />
their sale and delivery worth the respective summes in the said schedule<br />
severally expressed according to the then Currant price and valew of<br />
such like Commodities, the Premises hee knoweth being as aforesaid<br />
during the time of the transactions predeposed servant Apprentice and<br />
Bookeeper to the said William Startute, and personally present at the said<br />
transactions, and being the person who entred the said goods materialls and<br />
necessaries and the prices thereof into the booke of accompt of the said William Startute his Master<br />
And further hee cannot depose, saving tht the allate John<br />
Birdsey shipp Chandler William Cooke ffishmonger one Carey<br />
a Cooper Robert Smith a Brewer and one William a Saile<br />
maker all well knowne to this deponent did in and according to their severall qualities and<br />
occupations deliver seversall goods necessaries materialls and provisions<br />
for the use of the said shipp ''Expectation'' in the yeare 1648 aforesaid<br />
as the said persons after delivery thereof have severall times declared to this<br />
deponents Master in this depponents presence, but the quantities sorts or valews<br />
of the said goods Materialls provisions and necessaries to be delivered this<br />
deponent knoweth not, nor can hee declare or depose any thing thereupon<br />
And further cannot depose/
To thge 4th hee referreth himselfe to the Registrie of this Court<br />
And further cannot depose./
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
To the Crosse Interrogatories formerly administred in the<br />
Cause of Birdsey against Neale and now repeated<br />
being on the file of Interrogatories No: 78:-
To the first hee saith, hee cometh to bee a Wittnesse in this Cause, to declare the<br />
trueth of his knowledge therein, at the request of the said William<br />
Startute lately his Master to whom hee hath no relation in kindred, That hee is of the<br />
age of 26. yeares or thereabouts, and hath no interest in this Cause, and<br />
well understandeth the danger of an Oath. And further cannot depose/
To the second hee saith, hee this rendent never saw any of the Materialls by<br />
him predeposed used aboard the shipp the ''Expectation'' interrate, And otherwise<br />
cannot depose, saving the foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth, and saving<br />
that the materialls and necessaries by him predeposed were delivered in and out<br />
of the shopp of the said William Startute by this rendent./
To the third hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof saving his foregoeing<br />
deposition to which hee referreth:
To the 4th hee referreth himself to his foregoeing deposition, And further<br />
cannot depose, saving hee knoweth not nor beleeveth That any payment<br />
(hathleeveth That any payment<br />
(hath +