usuall firme of the said John de Vos, and … usuall firme of the said John de Vos, and verily beleeveth the said bill of<br />
ladeing to be signed and firmed by and with his proper hand-writing<br />
And further to this article hee cannot depose/
To the Crosse Interrogatories:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first negatively/:-
To the second hee saith hee hath knowne the interrate Peter [?deCock]<br />
for about twelve yeares last past by Correspondencie in trade, and<br />
hath knowne the interrate Baldwin Mathewes his brother from his<br />
Childhood, and hath knowne the interrate francisco del La [?Swirpe] for<br />
about 9. or 10. yeares last by the like Correspondencie in Merchandizing<br />
affaires, And otherwise negatively, And further cannot depose./
To the third hee saith, that hee this rendent was not at Cadiz nor saw<br />
the Lading of the silver interrate, And therefore cannot depose./
To the 4th hee saith, That the interrate Baldwin Mathewes hath for most<br />
of the time interrate been a traveller and hath remained in severall parts beyond<br />
the Seas, and now liveth in this City of London, and the interrate La<br />
[?Sierpe] is commonly accompted a dunquirker borne, and hath for all or<br />
most of the time interrate lived at Cadiz in Spaine. And otherwise<br />
saving his foregoeing deposition; to which hee referreth, hee saith hee<br />
cannot depose.
To the 5th hee saith, That the interrate peeces of 8/8. were laden by<br />
the aforesaid ffrancisco de la [?Sierpe] as this deponent hath bin credibly<br />
informed and hath observed by the bill of lading aforesaid. And<br />
further hee cannot depose./
To the 6th hee saith hee this rendent was not present at the signing of<br />
the bill[?s] of lading interrate./
To the 7. 8. and 9th hee saith hee knoweth nothing of the Contents thereof
To the 10th hee saith hee beleeveth in Conscience that the peices of 8/8<br />
claymed in this Cause did and doe really and truely belong to the<br />
interrate de Cocke and Mathewes, and to no other person or persons<br />
whatsoever. And further cannot depose./
To the 11th negatively for his part, And further cannot depose/
To the 12th negatively:-
To the 13. hee knoweth nothing thereof, saving that this deponent before<br />
the lading of the silver in question received letters of advise from the<br />
said Baldwin Mathewes from Gant intimating and importing<br />
That severall parcells of fflanders linnen were by his and his said<br />
Copartners order sent from fflanders to Spaine for their accompt, and<br />
beleeveth the silver in question to be the proceed thereof:/.
To the 14th negatively./oceed thereof:/.
To the 14th negatively./ +