'''Silver 9.'''
The nineteenth of Septemb … '''Silver 9.'''
The nineteenth of September 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of Dominick Marten Merchant of}<br />
[?XXX] in Ireland for his money and plate}<br />
[?in] the shipp the ''Sampson'' (whereof Otto}<br />
George was and is master) and in the shipp}<br />
the ''Salvador'' whereof Christian Cloppenbergh is master and in}<br />
the ''Saint George'' (whereof John Marten dorp}<br />
is master, taken by some of the shippes of}<br />
[?the] State and Commonwealth of England}<br />
Bud ffrancklin}
Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of<br />
the sayd Dominick Martin
'''Thomas Marten''' of Galloway in<br />
Ireland merchant aged six and twenty<br />
yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and<br />
examined deposeth and saith as followeth. videlicet
To the first article of the sayd Allegation This deponent saith and deposeth<br />
that the arlate Dominick Marten this deponents father is a Native of<br />
Galloway in Ireland and there hath his wife Children howse and<br />
family and hath lived all his tyme and is a subiect of the Commonwealth<br />
of England and hath bene and is well affected to the Government thereof,<br />
abd hath, as this deponent hath credibly heard and verily beleiveth, taken<br />
the Ingagement as is arlate. And further he cannot depose.
To the second article of the sayd Allegation This deponent saith that in the monethes<br />
of August September October and November 1652 and for some tyme<br />
before and since the sayd Dominick Marten hath by him this deponent as<br />
his factor and Agent driven a constant trade in way of merchandizing from<br />
Galloway and other parts in Ireland to Cadiz in Spaine for money and<br />
plate for his owne use and accompt, which this deponent knoweth being<br />
his factor as aforesayd. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the third article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith, that in the moneth of<br />
October 1652 and about the beginning thereof the aforesayd Dominick Marten<br />
by him this deponent as his factor did cause to be laden aboard the arlate<br />
shipp the ''Salvador'' whereof Christian Cloppenbergh was and is master<br />
lyeing then in the bay of Cadiz the two barrs of sylver arlate marked as in the
margent, one of them no. 109. weighing fifty six markes<br />
two ounces and a halfe of fine sylver. And on board the sayd shipp the<br />
''Sampson'' Otto George Master att Cadiz aforesayd the arlate two baggs of moneyes<br />
of the marke in the margent conteyning no. 1. four hundred peices of eight<br />
and no. 2. conteyning six hundred peices of 8/8 Sevill and Mexico Coyne<br />
And on board the sayd shipp ''Saint George'' John Martinsdorp Master, att Cadiz aforesayd<br />
the arlate two barrs of sylver marked as in the margent, one no. 104
weighing fifty markes five ounces and an halfe, and the other no. 103.<br />
weighing fifty markes five ounces and an halfe, and one bagg of moneyes<br />
coyne of Mexic conteyning one hundred and seventeene peeces of eight<br />
severally for the Accompt and Adventure of the sayd Dominick Marten<br />
to be in the sayd shippps ''Salvador'' ''Sampson'' and ''Saint George'' severally carryed<br />
and transported to Ostend from Cadiz afresayd, all consigned to the sayd<br />
Dominick Marten and to be delivered to himselfe or his Agenmts there<br />
for his sole use and Accompt. And saith that the sayd Dominick Mart[?i]n att the<br />
tyme of lading the sayd moneyes plate and sylver and before and continually<br />
since was hath bene and now is the true sole and lawfull Owner of all<br />
and singular the sayd plate sylver and moneyes laden aboard the sayd shipps<br />
respectively as aforesayd, and for and as such was and is commonly [?XXXX]<br />
accounted reputed and taken. The premisses this deponent beleeveth [?XXXX] premisses this deponent beleeveth [?XXXX] +