The 14th of June 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
T … The 14th of June 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
The claime of the said Boscaert for}<br />
his silver in the ''Saint John Evangelist''}
Examined upon the foresaid allegation<br />
and schedules.
'''Francisco Boesdonck''' of Antwerp Marchant<br />
aged 20 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.To the first article hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth the<br />
producent George Boschaert and hath soe done for all the time that hee<br />
the said George hath lived in Antwerp (the place of this deponents bitth<br />
and continuall habitation) which hath bin for theise two yeares last past or<br />
thereabouts, during which space hee the said producent George Boschaert<br />
hath driven and doth still drive a constant trade from Antwerp to<br />
Cadiz and Saint Lucars in Spain, especially to Cadiiz for silver and plate<br />
and for the said space hee hath had and hath his factors in Cadiz to that<br />
purpose, and for a merchant using such a trade hee the said producent hath<br />
bin and is commonly accompted and reputed; which hee knoweth having<br />
bin often at his house and packhouse and seeing the packing away many<br />
goods for Cadiz, and having assisted in the packing and sending away many for<br />
him and there being great familiaritie betwwen him and this deponents<br />
master James Pinquet a merchant alsoe at Antwerp driving the like<br />
trade, and they frequenting each others houses, this deponent hath often<br />
heard them discourse of such their trade and exportation of greate<br />
parcells of silver in severall shipps from Cadiz, and moreover this deponent<br />
hath seene many letters, factories and bills of lading sent him the said<br />
Boschaert from his said factors from Cales, many whereof this deponent<br />
hath received and sent to the said producent to London in theise last<br />
six monethes space that hee the said producent hath bin here to looke<br />
after his businesses here.
after his businesses here.