hath observed out of the said producents b … hath observed out of the said producents bookes and letters and of his owne knowledge, which said<br />
Correspondents bought and sent severall goods to and for the producents accompt to<br />
such places as they had directions from him to doe. And otherwise<br />
To the 25th. hee saith, That the surnmae of John Baptista interrate is Baptista<br />
and that the person meant and intended by P. D. X. is Peter de Zoletta aforesaid<br />
who is accounted a Biscayner borne. And further hee cannot depose:-/
To the Interrogatories in the second place./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first and second hee cannot depose: haveing nver beene in Spaine, nor knoweth<br />
of any obstructing or hindering the passage of silver from thence./:-
Sam Delaplace [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]
Jan Popeliers [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 29th. day of September 1653:- [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the said Allegation:
'''Francis Rubbens''' of Antwerpe in Brabant Servant<br />
to the said John Bollart Of Antwerp, aged 25<br />
yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse sworne and examined<br />
saith and depposeth as followeth, videlicet:-
To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That hee this<br />
Deponent very well knoweth the arlate John Bollart the producent, and hath<br />
so done for theise ten yeares last or thereabouts, During all which time the<br />
said producent hath bin and at present is a Merchant of Antwerp, [?who]<br />
hath driven and doeth drive a very great trade to Cadiz Saint Lucar Sevill<br />
and other parts in Spaine, to which hee hath frequently sent, and sendeth<br />
Usuallu=y diverse sorts and quantities of Merchandizes from the King of Spaines<br />
Ports in fflanders for his owne accompt and adventure, and had and hath his factors<br />
and Correspondents in Spaine who negotiate and manage his Merchandizing<br />
affaires for him, receiving his goods from fflanders and selling and disposing of<br />
the same in Spaine according to his direction, and makeing returnes thereof to<br />
him and his deputies on his behalfe into fflanders The premisses this deponent<br />
knoweth being a Native and inhabitant of Antwerp, where hee hath for<br />
all the time predeposed observed the premisses by vulgar and Common Report<br />
there, and particularly for theise two yeares last past, this deponent being by the<br />
said producent employed to keepe his Journall booke, wherein and whereby<br />
hee is well acquainted with the trade and negotiation of the said producent.<br />
And further hee cannot depose./
To the second hee saith and deposeth, That hee this deponent being employed<br />
by the producent in the quality aforesaid, hath by his bookes of accompts<br />
perceived that the said producent for divers yeares past hath had the<br />
returnes of his goods and Merchandizes so sent into Spaine, made and<br />
remitted to him in fflanders, and severall times to the Ports of Dover and<br />
(Londonthe Ports of Dover and<br />
(London +