To the 24. and 25:th hee knoweth nothing t … To the 24. and 25:th hee knoweth nothing thereof more or otherwise than<br />
To the 26. and hee saith and deposeth, That hee hath often heard amongst<br />
Merchants, That it is forbidden in Spaine to transport from thence any money<br />
bullion or plate, yet saith of his owne experience and constant<br />
observation, it hath bin and is usuall for Merchants to receive their returnes<br />
of silver thence without any losse of Propriety in the same And further hee<br />
cannot depose, not being acquainted with the Lawes of Spaine.
To the 28: hee saith hee well knoweth the interrate Jaques de Brower one of<br />
the Magistrates of duinquirke and Correspondent to the said producent, and<br />
saith for the reasons predeposed, and by the particular acknowledgement of the said de<br />
Brower hee well knoweth tht hee hath no title or interest in the said 600. peeces<br />
of eight. And otherwise cannot depose:-/
Sam Delaplace [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]
Anthonio Lois [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated with his precontest before Doctor Clarke<br />
and doctor Godolphin
The 17. of October .1653:- [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of John Smeesters of Antwerpe for his<br />
monies and goods in the ''Morning Starr'', (Michael Van}<br />
Lubkin Master) Smith. Budd}
Examined upon an Allegation on the behalfe<br />
of the sayd Claymer:/
'''John Vervoort''' of Antwerp in<br />
Brabant Cashier and Booke. keeper to the said<br />
John Smeesters aged 25. yeares or thereabouts<br />
a Wittnesse sworne and examined saith and<br />
deposeth as followeth videlicet.
To the first and second articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth That<br />
the arlate John Smeesters the producent for theise 7. yeares of this deponents<br />
Certaine knowledge, and for many yeares before by Credible relation hath bin<br />
and at present is a Merchant inhabitant in Antwerpe with his family, and<br />
was and is generally accompted a Native of Antwerpe and a Subject of the<br />
king of Spaine, and hath driven and doeth drive a very great trade to Cadiz<br />
and Saint Lucar in Spayne for moneyes plate and other Commodities, and to that<br />
purpose had and hath his ffactors and Correspondents residing there, to whomhe<br />
hath sent within the time predeposed severall goods wares and Merchandizes<br />
the returnes whereof have constantly been made unto him by this said ffactors in<br />
moneys plate and other goods And for a Merchant of such traffique trade<br />
and Correspondency the said producent was and is commonly reputed And<br />
this deponent further saith, That in the moneths of december January ffebruary<br />
and March last past 1652 some or one of them the said producent was and at<br />
this present is and ought to bee the true and lawfull Owner and Proprietor of<br />
foure hundred seaventie and five pieces of eight contained in one bagg marked<br />
in the margent and with the number .1. and of two barrills of sweete Lemmons and two barrills of<br />
Olives of the same marke, And for such was and is comonly accompted and<br />
reputed, The premisses this deponent knoweth being Cashier and booke keeper [?to ?the]<br />
said producent, And otherwise saving the reasons hereafter expressed he<br />
[?XXX] hereafter expressed he<br />
[?XXX] +