Spaine in the like manner, Which hee knowe … Spaine in the like manner, Which hee knoweth by reason of his Constant<br />
employment acquaintance and observation of and in passages of that Nature./<br />
And othewise cannot depose:/
To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true./
To the Crosse Interrogatories:- [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first negatively/:-
To the 2.d hee saith hee hath personally knowne the interrate John Smeesters for about<br />
6 yeares, and the interrate Gerrard Ryper onely by meanes of Correspondency with<br />
the producent for about 4 yeares last past. And otherwise cannot depose:/
To the 3d hee saith the said Ryper is the producents ffactor but not the producent his.<br />
And otherwise saving his foregoing deposition hee cannot depose:-/
To the hee saith the said John Smeesters interrate is an Antwerper borne, and hath lived<br />
there in the broadstreet for 6 yeares last of this deponents knowledge and by relation many<br />
yeares before, and the said Gerrard Ryper is an Antwerper and dwelleth in Cadiz<br />
with his familye; And otherwise hee cannot depose:./
To the 5. and 6. hee saith hee was not present at the ladeing of the peeces of 8<br />
in question, And otherwise saving his foregoing deposition hee saith hee cannot depose:/
To the 7th by Vertue of his oath hee saith, that for the reasons by him predeposed hee<br />
firmely beleeveth the bills of lading interrate to be absolutely true and reall./
To the 8th 9 and 10th hee knoweth nothing thereof.
To the 11th hee saith hee is concinced in Conscience that the 600 pieces of 8 now<br />
Claymed in the name of the said producent doe really and soley belong unto him<br />
and were intended to be transported in the said Vessell to Dunquirke and no other place
To the 12th and 13 hee saith hee hath oftentimes heare the producent say that hee expected<br />
severall returnes of money from Cadiz, but not particulartly of the summe interrate./:
To the 14th hee saith, hee well knoweth That the said producent at severall times, and by<br />
severall shipps od Ostend and Hamborough did in the yeare 1651. send from Osetnd severall <br />
fflemmish goods and merchandizes to the said Gerard Riper and others his ffactors and<br />
Correspondents at Cadiz, as Rissels stuffs, fflanders laces and linnen and other Commoodities, which<br />
they received, as this deponent hath seene and observed out of their letters of advise returned<br />
to the producent upon receipt of the said goods./
To the 15th negatively./.
To the 16th hee saith hee is an Antwerper by birth and present habitation, And<br />
otherwise negatively:-
To the 17. hee referreth to his foregoing deposition, And otherwise negatively, And<br />
further cannot depose:-/
To the 18. 19. amnd 20. hee cannot depose, otherwise then hee hath predeposed:/
To the 21. negatively, forasmuch as this deponent hath not seene any Insurance entred in<br />
the producents booke of accompts for the said 600 [?X] peeces, which ought to bee and usually is<br />
so entred when any insurance is made:/
To the 23. hee saith the said bill of lading annexed to the allegation was sent over by the<br />
producent from Antwerp to a Merchant to Southampton by name [?Paul] [?MaXXXer] who as hee<br />
beleeveth delivered the same to Mr Smith the Proctor to bee made use of in the producents<br />
Clayme And otherwise hee cannot depose
(To the 24th otherwise hee cannot depose
(To the 24th +