The 29:th of September :1653: [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of John Bollart of Antwerpe for}<br />
two baggs sealed containing one thousand and}<br />
ten Peru pieces of eight on board the shipp the}<br />
''Morning starr'' Michael van Lubkin Master}
Examined upon an Allegation on the behalfe of<br />
the said Claymers./
'''John Popeliers''' of Antwerp in Brabant<br />
Booke, keeper to the said John Bollart aged 25.<br />
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith<br />
as followeth videlicet:/
To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That in<br />
or about the moneth of January in the yeare 1652/3 the said John<br />
Bollart the producent by Gerard Ryper his ffactor resident at Cadiz<br />
did cause to bee laden into the said shipp the ''Morning Starr'' (Michael Van<br />
Lubkin Master) then lying neare Cadiz in Spaine two baggs sealed containing<br />
a thousand and ten pieces of eight Peru Coyne marked with the marke and numbers in
the Margent, to be transported in the said shipp to dunquerke and there<br />
delivered to the said producent or his assignes for his sole accompt and adventure<br />
And that the said John Bollart at the time of lading as aforesaid was , and at<br />
present is and ought to be the true and onely Proprietor of the said baggs of<br />
peeces of eight, and that no other person whatsoever had or hath any share<br />
title or interest in the same. The premisses hee knoweth, being Accomptant<br />
or Booke keeper to the said producent, and by that meanes fully acquainted with<br />
the whole negotiation that hee hath and driveth, and particularly after the<br />
ladeing of the said two baggs of Pieces of eight as aforesaid, and<br />
(beforeight as aforesaid, and<br />
(before +