To the four and twentyeth he saith that th … To the four and twentyeth he saith that the sylver now claymed was all of<br />
it laden in the Bay of Cadize under the Commaund of the fforts belonging <br />
to the sayd towne or Citty. And otherwise, saving that he knoweth not <br />
of any pasport he cannot depose.
To the five and twentyeth he saith that the Pursers name of the ''Sampson''<br />
was Pedro de Campo Vieta but what Countryman he is this Rendent knoweth<br />
not. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the Interrogatories given in 26th of May 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first and second Interrogatory this deponent saith that he hath heard that It<br />
hath bene prohibited by the King of Spayne for any persons to lade any<br />
money plate Bullion or sylver att or in Cadiz or other the ports of Spayne to be<br />
transported from thence without licence, And beleeveth there is and hath bene<br />
a generall and publique fame thereof, But whether in deed there be any<br />
such prohibition this Rendent saith that of his owne knowledge he cannot<br />
depose, howbeit this deponent hath knowne that some persons have bene<br />
released when they have bene found endeavouring the transportation of<br />
sylver by the Ministers and officers of the sayd King; but after any<br />
sylver is laden aboard he saith the says Ministers so farr as he knoweth<br />
or beleeveth have noe power to arrest the same, or molest the persons that<br />
laded it. and further saith that he knoweth that it is usuall after any<br />
such sylver is arrived in the Ports of fflanders for merchants to dispose<br />
thereof freely att their owne wills without molestation, And further<br />
saith that every person that att Cadiz or other ports of Spaine ladeth any money plate bullion and sylver<br />
aboard any shipp without Registring the same and obtaining a License<br />
to the effect interrate doth not thereby loose the propriety therein unless the same be there apprehended but doth<br />
still continue true and lawfull Owner thereof, and as and for his owne goods<br />
may dispose of the same in every free port; And so to this deponents<br />
certayne knowledge and experience It is held and practised in the ports <br />
and places in fflanders under the Jurisdiction of the sayd King of Spaine<br />
himselfe. And otherwise he cannot depose.
Lorenço de[?veles] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Roger Kilvert [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]<br />
Sam Delaplace [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]
Repeated before Doctor Exton
The 27th day of May .1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the sayd allegation.
'''Pasquall Andrada''' of Garachicho in the<br />
Island of Teneriffa servant of the producent aged<br />
twenty yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and<br />
examined. deposeth and saith.
To the first he deposeth and saith that the arlate Don Antonio da Ponte<br />
in the monethes of May June July August, September October<br />
November, december January ffebruary and March 1652. was, and att this<br />
present is the true and lawful Owner and Proprietor of the six barrs
of sylver arlate, two whereof are marked with the first marke in the
margent, and four of them marked with the second marke in the margent<br />
and innd marke in the margent<br />
and in +