First transcribed
29 April 2018 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
91 +
Parent volume
HCA 13/68 +
Verso +
Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 29/04/2018 +
consigned to him this deponent nor sold af … consigned to him this deponent nor sold after the rate of iiij ''d'' per pound<br />
and [?XXXXX] twelve barrells of [?XXXX] which one Mr Spar[?ke] of Dartmouth<br />
bought of the said [?Bearblock] for which hee payed unto him as hee confessed to<br />
him this deponent [?xx ''ss''] per Barrell And sayeth That the said [?Beareblock] did<br />
[?sCCC] unto him this deponent an anchor of the weighte of about 1000 pounds<br />
weight for which this deponent was to pay the simme of seaven pounds And<br />
sayeth further That one Mr Barnes of Dartmouth did buy likewise of the<br />
said Beareblock a new foresayle for which hee this deponent was [?present]<br />
when the said Barnes did pay for the same the summe of sixe poundes<br />
[ADD DATA]e poundes<br />
Transcription image
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HCA 13/68 f.91v Annotate +
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29 April 2018 16:58:34 +