was soe little that it did not spread thei … was soe little that it did not spread their colours, but that they were<br />
faine to stretch them with their hands and otherwise to the end to have th[?em]<br />
discovered, and assoone as the ''Elizabeth'' came and shott towards them [?they]<br />
presently struck their sailes, and hoisted out their boates to goe aboard her<br />
and the masters went and showed their passes and docuements to the said<br />
Captaine Mings, and giving him accompt of their voyages, desired<br />
leave to prosecquute the same, but the said Captaine told them they<br />
must goe for London, whereto they alsoe yeelded and came freely onto<br />
the downes, not at any time endeavouring to escape or goe from [?the]<br />
''Elizabeth''. And saith they had notthing to doe with the said two dutch<br />
men of warr, nor they with them, nor were the said dutch<br />
men of warr in ought assisted or [?abetted] by the said fleete or any of<br />
the masters or shipps thereof. And albeit hee this deponent had two<br />
peeces of artillery, yet had hee not any linstock lighted nor any<br />
proportion towards offence or defence in regard of any of the said shipps<br />
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 7. and 8th hee saith that the said thirteene hamburger shipps<br />
were and are commonly accompted to belonge to that port, And otherwise<br />
hee cannot depose, saving that this deponents said shipp belongeth to the<br />
port of Lubeck where shee was built, and where her owners dwell
To the nineth hee cannot depose.
To the Crosse Interrogatories.
To the first hee saith that hee hath bin master of the said shipp the ''ffortune''<br />
of Lubeck ever since shee was built, which her buildin was donne at<br />
Lubeck about nine yeares since, where hee first came aboard her. And<br />
otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition.
To the second hee saith that Antonio Wesel is owner of a wuarter part of<br />
his said shipp. hendrick Mittendorp of a quarter part, John Wereater of<br />
3 sixteenth parts, Gaspar Deacon of an eighth part, hendrick [?Scholt]<br />
of a sixteenth part and hee this deponent of an eighth part of the said<br />
shipp, tackle and furniture, and that all the said owners were and are<br />
dwellers in Lubeck and subiects of that free State, and that teh said<br />
owners have all dwelt there above tenn yeeres, and this deponent was there<br />
borne and soe as hee beleeveth were all the rest.
To the third hee saith some of the said owners built the said shipp and some<br />
other of them have since inherited their parts by the death of their predecessors<br />
who were builders, and this deponent on their behalfe over sighted the said<br />
building and defraid the chardges thereof at their costs. And otherwise<br />
hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid, and saving that hee hath knowne the<br />
said Garrit ffalkus his shipp for about three yeares, and the shipp of the said<br />
hendrick [?Caben] about five yeares, during which space they have belonged to<br />
Lubeck where they were buit, and hee knoweth severall of their owners [?XX]<br />
there but doth not nowe remember their names:
To the fourth hee saith that hee hath bin thrice at London<br />
within this twelve moneth or thereabouts, and went from London to hamborough [?and]<br />
from hamborough began this his outward voyage the time aforesaid for [?Bourdeaux]<br />
and otherwise negatively for his shipp, touching the other shipps hee cannot<br />
To the 5th hee saith that hee had three or foure barrells of wire aboard<br />
at the time of the said seizure, and two hundred hogshead staves which were<br />
laden the staves for this deponents, and the wire for his owners accompt and were<br />
laden at hamburgh, and had noe other lading but ballast, and this deponent [?XXX]<br />
halfe a dollar a peece for the same, and for the wire [?XXX]<br />
sent him by his said owners from Lubeck. And otherwise hee cannot depose saving<br />
as aforesaid.
To the 6th hee saith hee doubteth not of the restitution of the said shipp and goods<br />
And otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition.
To himselfe to his foregoing deposition.
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