The 17th of October 1653. [CENTRE HEADING] … The 17th of October 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
[?Riley] and company against the ''Lambe'' aforesaid}<br />
Garret [?Xmondson] master.}
Examined upon the foresaid Interrogatories.
'''Smith'''<br />
'''Stephen Peterson''' of Rotterdam Mariner one of the<br />
company of the said shipp the ''Golden Lambe'', aged<br />
19 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first, 2, 3, 5. 5 and 6th Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that hee<br />
well knoweth the said shipp the ''Golden Lambe'' and came first aboard her<br />
at the Sound about five dayes before er seizure, and saith shee belongeth<br />
to the port of Maseland Sluce in Holland in the dominion of the States of<br />
the United Netherlands, and was and is as hee saith good prize to the<br />
takers in regard of the present warrs, and saith her master and most of her<br />
company were hollanders at the time of her seizure. but the names of her<br />
owners hee knoweth not, but hath heard that they are hollanders and<br />
subiects of the States f the United Netherlands, and saith shee was in<br />
ballast when shee was taken bound for Norway, and was to retourne<br />
for Maseland Sluce to finish her voyage. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 7 and eighth , 9 and 10th hee saith hee was never in ffrance and was hired<br />
after 16 gilders per moneth for this voyage, which the said skipper was to<br />
pay him, upon the shipps retourne to Maseland Sluce,<br />
and then shee sailed under the holland flagge and was taken neare<br />
Skaga by Captaine Welch, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
Steven Pijeterse [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the foresaid Interrogatories.
'''Corneluis Garrets''' of hamborough Sailor one of the company<br />
of the said shipp the ''Golden Lambe''', aged 54 yeares or<br />
thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. and 6 hee saith that the said shipp the ''Golden''<br />
''Lambe'' belongeth to the port of Maseland Sluce in holland, and that her<br />
owners are all hollanders, subiects of the States of the United Netherlands<br />
and dwellers in Maseland Sluce, which hee knoweth being one of<br />
her company and having belonged three monethes unto her and made one<br />
voyage with her to Norwary and back to Maseland Sluce before this, and<br />
nowe being upon the second voyage to fetch firewood to bee<br />
brought for Maseland Sluce shee was taken by Captaine Welch<br />
and saith that one ffrancis [?dyning] is one of her owners, and the master<br />
Garret Simondson ffisher as hee beleeveth hath a part therein, and<br />
that this deponent was hired for [?18] gilders per moneth and to bee<br />
paid upon retourne to Maseland Sluce where the voyage was to end<br />
And saith the said master liveth in Maseland but was borne in the East<br />
Land, and that two or three of the company are hollanders<br />
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 7. 8. 9 and 10th hee saith they had the holland flagge aboard<br />
when they were taken, and was taken on the high sea, and otherwise<br />
hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, and saith the said shipp<br />
was as the master said freighted by the East India company of Amsterdam<br />
to carry letters into the sound, and thence they were to goe for Norway to<br />
fetch firewood or els retourne [?next] way home
bij Cooraellyss garreyts [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated with his precontest before doctor<br />
Clerke and doctor Godolphin.r<br />
Clerke and doctor Godolphin. +