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HCA 13/68 +
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The 17th o … [ADD DATA]
The 17th of December 1653 uppon the allegation given in on<br />
behalfe of the Claymer.
The Clayme of John Martyn merchannt of}<br />
Saint Lucars in Spayne for the goods in the}<br />
Shipp the ''three Kinges'' of Hamborough}<br />
whereof Joachim Beane was master taken by}<br />
some of the Parliaments Shipps and brought into}<br />
Plymouth Smyth Budd}
'''Symon Parente''' of Cadiz in Spayne<br />
merchannt aged about 27 yeares a witnesse<br />
produced and examined in this cause
[ADD DATA]ced and examined in this cause
Transcription image
[[File:IMG_115_06_9971.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_115_06_9971.jpg|[[:HCA 13/68|HCA 13/68]] f.207v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window +
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31 August 2015 11:09:28 +