of the ''Saint Peter'' and Lorenzo Michael … of the ''Saint Peter'' and Lorenzo Michael a Spaniard, Corporall of the ''Harry''<br />
''Bonadventure'', and kept them in prison a fortnight or there abouts. by<br />
meanes of which injurious dealing of the sayd Governor and Magistrates of<br />
Messina the service of this Commonwealth receyved great preiudice. And<br />
otherwise he cannot depose.
To the 10th 11th and 12th he saith that after the sayd shipps the ''Harry Bonadventure''<br />
and ''Saint Peter'' were sett out to sea from Messina and about Midsommer day last past, the tyme hee<br />
otherwise remembreth not the sayd Captaine Swanly espying .7. dutch men<br />
of warr and 3 dutch marchants men off of Trapany, for preserving the<br />
sayd shipps putt into Trapany a place subiect to the sayd King of Spaine and<br />
brought both his sayd shipps to an anchor within pistoll shott of the<br />
Castle of Trapanie, which this deponent knoweth being then present and<br />
aboard the ''Harry Bonadventure''. and otherwise cannot depose.
To the he saith and deposeth. that the sayd dutch shippes under the<br />
Commande of the arlate young Van Trump, followeing the ''Harry Bonadventure''<br />
and ''Saint Peter'' toward the Port of Trapany, the sayd Captaine Swanley went<br />
a shoare and tooke with him Lorenzo Michael the sayd Spanish Corporall<br />
and sent him to speake with the Governour of Trapany to request his [?XXX]<br />
and protecttion against the sayd Dutch shipps, And this deponent heard<br />
the sayd Corporall att his Returne say and declare that the sayd Governour<br />
had undertaken to protect and preserve the sayd shipps the ''Harry Bonadventure''<br />
and ''Saint Peter'', against the dutch, and that the English should not [?XXX]<br />
shoot or make any disturbance in that Port. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the he saith that before such tyme as the ''Harry Bonadventure''<br />
and ''Saint Peter'' came to an anchor in the Port of Trapany He this deponent<br />
saw and observed some boates to passe to and fro betwixt Van Trump<br />
and Trapany, and saith he heard the sayd Corporall of the ''Harry Bonadventure''<br />
call Captaine Swanley that the sayd Governour of Trapany had sent [?speciall]<br />
Order that the sayd Captaine and Company should not under paine of death<br />
shoot somuch as a pistoll in the sayd Port, for that they were safe [?XXX]<br />
And saith that the premisses notwithstanding the sayd Van Trump<br />
entred the Port of Trapany with his men of warr, and with two<br />
shipps Clappt aboard the ''Saint Peter'', and with five shipps Clappt aboard<br />
the ''Harry Bonadventure'' lying as aforesayd within pistoll shot of<br />
the Castle of Trapany, And thereby became possessed of the sayd shippes<br />
the ''Harry Bonadventure'' and ''Saint Peter'', and their respective lading which<br />
this deponent knoweth being Cooke of the ''Harry Bonadventure'' and<br />
taken prisoner in her the tyme predeposed, videlicet upon or about [?MXXXX]<br />
day last past the tyme otherwise he remembreth not. And otherwise he cannot<br />
To the fifteenth he saith that to colour the matter there were att the<br />
tyme of the sayd seizure severall shott made from the Castle and [?fort]<br />
of Trapany which by the sound or report thereof, and for that [?XXXXX]<br />
execution att all was to be made with powder onely and without bulletts<br />
and somuch was then likewise taken notice of by others of the Company<br />
of the ''Harry Bonadventure''. And otherwise he cannot depose.
Toure''. And otherwise he cannot depose.
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