To the he saith he knoweth nothing … To the he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.
To the he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.
To the 18:th he saith the sayd seizure and losse of the ''Harry Bonadventure''<br />
and ''Saint Peter'' att Trapany as aforesd happened upon the 25th day of June<br />
Last being Saturday, And upon the Monday next ensueing this deponent being<br />
a prisoner aboard the vice Admirall of the Dutch Shipps saw two merchants<br />
shipps belonging to the Dutch come safe out of the port of Trapany freely<br />
and unmolested. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the he saith he cannot depose.
To the 20th he saith the arlate shipp the ''harry Bonadventure'' was an able<br />
strong shipp of the burthen of 300 tonnes and upwards; and had 41. gunnes<br />
and a brasse mar?therers, and was well equipped and fitted with all<br />
materialls weapons and munition fitting for a Man of warr of her<br />
burthen, and was victualled for about 5 monthes for 100 men.<br />
and had a great quantity of powder aboard the certainty whereof this<br />
deponent knoweth not, and saith there were goods and tokens aboard<br />
and severall goods and necessaries belonging to the sayd Captaine Swanley<br />
and Companie of good value, And this deponent for his owne part had<br />
aboard att the tyme of the sayd seizure upon his owne accompt in goods<br />
Cloathes medicaments Instruments and other things to the cleare value<br />
of one hundred thirty eight pounds eighteene shillings sterling, over and besides<br />
his expences from Livorno to England amounting to the summe of<br />
eleven pound seven shillings sterling, which sayd goods and expenses<br />
are more particularly deduced in a schedule to the sayd allegaton annexed<br />
drawne upp into the forme of an Affidavit, and exhibited into this Court<br />
on the behalfe of this deponent. And he saith that he hath moreover<br />
suffered dammage by meanes of the sayd seizure in his losse of tyme<br />
the summe of 15 li sterl. And saith he knoweth not the value of the<br />
sayd shipp the ''harry Bonadventure'' nor the value of other mens losses<br />
therein. And further he cannot depose.
To the 21th he saith that the losse of the sayd shipps the ''harry Bonadventure''<br />
and ''Saint Peter'' and their respective ladings was as he verily beleiveth<br />
occasioned by the fraud contrivance and practise of the sayd Governors<br />
of messina and Trapany or one of them, And beleiveth that in case<br />
the sayd Captaine Swanley had bene supplyed with necessaries in due tyme<br />
att Messina and had not bene there deprived of his ffelenca and men as aforesayd<br />
or had bene protected by the Governor of TRapany aforesayd as<br />
he might have bene, the sayd shipps the ''harry Bonadventure'' and<br />
''Saint Peter'' had not bene taken by the dutch nor lost to the English<br />
And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the last he saith his depositions are true. And otherwise cannot<br />
Repeated before Doctor Clarke<br />
and Doctor Godolphin.
The 24th day of September; Examined upon the sayd ?Allegation
'''William Clutterbuck''' of hackney in the County of Middlesex<br />
Mariner Purser of the sayd shipp the ''Harry Bonadventure''<br />
aged three and twenty yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne<br />
and Examined. saith as followeth videlicetand Examined. saith as followeth videlicet +