de Torres say and declare to this deponent … de Torres say and declare to this deponent being a Spaniard and well and<br />
perfectly understanding the Spanish tongue, that he would not permitt<br />
the ''Harry Bonadventure'' to you from Messina till a dutch shipp the XXX<br />
aforesayd were safely arrived there frō Alexandria, and that he kept the<br />
deponent and the sayd John Merick prisoners conXXXXing that Captaine<br />
Swanley would not dept to sea without his Leivetenant and Corporall.<br />
To the .9. article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that whilest this deponent<br />
and the sayd Merick were deteyned att Messina, the Governor of Messina<br />
or some by his order furnished the dutch formerly of the ''Saint Peters'' Compan?y<br />
and released and suffered to goe att Large by Captaine Swanly, with severall<br />
ffXXXXas or boates with ammunition and necessaries to goe aboard the ?Great<br />
Lyon aforesayd a dutch shipp for their further assistance,. And further saith<br />
that the sayd Governor and his people seized and tooke the ?ffolenta or<br />
boate belonging to Captaine Swanly and dispossessed him thereof and still ?XX<br />
detayne the same, and tooke and deteyned seven of the sayd Captaine Swanleys<br />
Company that went a shoare with the sayd boat; and doe still jeepe and<br />
deteyne the sayd seven persons belonging to the ?ffelensa<br />
as this deponent beleiveth, by meanes ?whereof<br />
the sayd Captaine Swanley receyved much prejudice and was deprived of men<br />
to send abroad to gaine intelligence for the better prosecution of his XXXXX<br />
in the service of the Commonwealth. And further he cannot depose.
To the .10:th. he saith that whilest This deponent was a prisoner att Messina<br />
in the moneth of June as aforesayd the tyme otherwise he remembreth not<br />
the sayd Captaine Swanley sett sayle from Messina with the ''Harry Bonadventure''<br />
together with the prize named the ''Saint Peter'' and her lading, intending<br />
as soone as was possible to reach Tunis according to the Order of Mr<br />
Longland aforesayd, And this deponent saith that after it was knowne<br />
to the Governo:r aforesd that Captaine Swanley was gone as aforesayd, this<br />
deponent and the sayd Merick were released, and after a day or two<br />
in a shipps boat belonging to another prize shipp taken by the ?English<br />
overtooke the ''Harry Bonadventure'' upon the Coast of Sicily in her XXX<br />
for Tunis, and then understood the manner of their comeing of ?from<br />
Messina and their intended designe for Tunnis as aforesayd. And<br />
otherwise cannot depose.
To the eleventh article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth<br />
that about 12 dayes after the sayd shipps the ''Harry Bonadventure'' and<br />
the sayd prize the ''Saint Peter'' departed from Messina upon their course<br />
towards Tunis the winds being something crosse, and sailing along<br />
the Coast of Sicilia they espied seven sayle of dutch shipps under<br />
the Isles off of the Port of Trapany in Scicily, and three sayle more<br />
of dutch shippes comeing out of the sayd Port of Trapany. This deponent<br />
being aboard the ''Harry Bonadventure'' att the tyme of the sayd Dutch<br />
shipps were discovered by this deponent and the rest of the Company of<br />
the sayd two shipps. And otherwise cannot depose,
Too shipps. And otherwise cannot depose,
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