First transcribed
15 September 2015 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
5 +
Parent volume
HCA 13/67 +
Verso +
Uploaded image; partially required on 15/09/2015 +
The sayd … [ADD DATA]
The sayd Domingo Padellas<br />
of Saint Lucar being sworne and<br />
examyned likewise a witnesse in<br />
this Cause deposeth as followeth
The clayme of Anthony Rodrigeuz afforesaid for twelve}<br />
Patacchoes of Tobacchoe and of ffrancis Ma[?rcado] for}<br />
fower Patacchoes of Tobacchoe laden aboard the Shipp}<br />
''Sampson'' whereof Octavio George is master seized by some}<br />
of the Parliaments ffleete}
'''Rp. 2'''
[ADD DATA]liaments ffleete}
'''Rp. 2'''
Transcription image
[[File:IMG_117_07_1421.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_117_07_1421.jpg|[[:HCA 13/67|HCA 13/67]] f.5v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window +
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HCA 13/67 f.5v Special Annotate +
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, HCA 13/67 f.5v Special Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.5v Special Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.5v Special Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.5v Special Annotate +
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15 September 2015 21:28:24 +