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Colin Greenstreet +
41 +
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HCA 13/67 +
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Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 06/10/2015 +
The six an … [ADD DATA]
The six and twentieth day of March <u>1653</u> uppon the<br />
allegation on the behalfe of the Claymers
The Clayme of John Lowe master of the Shipp the ''Angello''}<br />
''Michael'' and Companie owners of the said Shipp the ''Angell''}<br />
''Michaael'' for one hundred and tenne peeces of Eight and some}<br />
gold and silver being [?dutch] and other coynes amountinge}<br />
by the valewe of eightie Rix Dollars taken from him out of}<br />
John Holden by some of the officers of the new Prize office}<br />
or haveinge relation thereunto Budd ffrancklyn Suckley}
'''Peter Scholenburge''' of<br />
Hamboroughe Steersman of<br />
the ''Saint Michael'' aged about [?thirty]<br />
yeares a witnesse produced and<br />
examyned in this Cause [?XXXX] [?as]<br />
[ADD DATA]X] [?as]<br />
Transcription image
[[File:IMG_117_07_1507.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_117_07_1507.jpg|[[:HCA 13/67|HCA 13/67]] f.41v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window +
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HCA 13/67 f.41v Silver IMG 117 07 1507 Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.41v Silver IMG 117 07 1507 Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.41v Silver IMG 117 07 1507 Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.41v Silver IMG 117 07 1507 Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.41v Silver IMG 117 07 1507 Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.41v Silver IMG 117 07 1507 Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.41v Silver IMG 117 07 1507 Annotate +
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6 October 2015 10:14:30 +