with her into the River of Thames as Convo … with her into the River of Thames as Convoy of certaine merchants shipps from<br />
Amsterdam, the said Lord Commissioner having notice thereof, wrote unto<br />
him the said Captaine to come forthwith unto him, and the said Captaine<br />
comming accordingly on satturday was a fortnight to the said Lords house neare<br />
Charing crosse, this deponent being present heard the said Lord Commissioner<br />
declare unto the said Captaine his purpose and resolution to goe over for<br />
holland in the said shipp, and this deponent<br />
understood that hee was soe purposed both before the Captaines comming and after<br />
the said Captaines departure from his presence, and forthwith after the said<br />
Captaines comming to him, hee began to prepare and make things ready for<br />
his departure in the said shipp, but on the morrowe being sunday the<br />
said Captaine and his Lieutenant came to the said Lord Commissioner<br />
as hee was departing out of the dutch Church about twelve of the clock<br />
and acquainted him that the said shipp was arrested, whereupon hee the said<br />
Lord Commissioner being disappointed of passage in her, after some<br />
endeavour asked at the Counsell of State for her release, and being<br />
necessitated to hasten his departure hee was faine to goe at length<br />
for Zealand in the shipp of one Block, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the Interrogatories. [centre heading]
To the first hee saith hee hath knowne the said shipp about halfe a<br />
yeare last, and saith shee hath for the most part of that time bin<br />
used as a Convoy of merchants shipps from<br />
Amsterdam to London and back againe to Amsterdam, and came last<br />
in that imployment.
To the second hee saith hee knoweth not of any such order as is interrogated
To the third hee saith hee hath seane the letter sent as a foresaid, since<br />
the sending thereof and had the same yesterday in his hand and hath read<br />
the same, and for the date and contents thereof hee referreth himselfe<br />
to the same, not nowe remembering them well, And otherwise hee<br />
cannot answer.
To the fourth hee saith that the said Lord Commissioner departed on thursday<br />
morning next following the said Satturday in the said Blocks shipp<br />
for Zealand and soe to goe thence for holland.
To the fifth hee referreth him selfe to his foregoeing deposition and to the said letter and otherwise cannot answer.
To the sixth hee cannot answer, but beleeveth that the said Lord Commisioner had<br />
noe particular interest in the said shipp the ''Brack''
To the seaventh hee cannot answer.
To the eighth hee answereth that the said Lord Scaep was a Commissioner<br />
as aforesaid from the provinc[?a] of holland, and not (soe farr as hee<br />
knoweth) invested with the qualitie of a publique Minister by and from<br />
the States Generall of the United Netherland Provinces the time interrogated,<br />
howbeit as Comm[?issioner]as aforesaid hee was enabled with sufficient authoritie<br />
to command any Shipp of holland for his transportation thither
Repeated with his precontest before doctor Stephens.
<u>Joh: Oste.</u> [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
23th of September 1651.
The claime of John M[?ervin] for hoopes and}<br />
glasses in the ''Grayhound'' of Brill taken}<br />
by Captaine Risca[XXXr]}
'''Rp. 1us.'''
'''Adrian Philipson Pauls''' of the Briel in holland<br />
Mariner, master of the said shipp the ''Grayhound''<br />
aged 28 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first article hee cannot depose.
To the second article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that in the moneth<br />
of July last and more particularly on or about the 26th day (new stile) of<br />
thehe 26th day (new stile) of<br />
the +