The 9th of July 1651.
On the behalfe of W … The 9th of July 1651.
On the behalfe of William Bewly of London merchant Assurer}<br />
in the ''henry and Anne'' of London}
'''Robert Gostlin''' of the parish of Olaves hartstreete London<br />
Merchant, aged 25 yeares or thereabouts sworne before<br />
the right Worshipfull William Clarke doctor of Lawes one of<br />
the Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie saith<br />
and deposeth by vertue of his oath That whereas henry<br />
[ffutter] of London Goldsmith did in the yeare 1646 procure a pollicie<br />
of Assurance to be under written by Mr William Bewly Marchant<br />
upon the shipp the ''henry and Anne'' of London and goods laden aboard her<br />
for a voyage mentioned in the said pollicia for the summe<br />
of twelve pounds sterling for premium which hee by the said pollicia<br />
undertooke to pay unto the said Assurer in consideration of 200 li by him the said<br />
mr Bewly, the Assurer aforesaid underwritten, hee the said mr [?ffutter]<br />
hath not at any time paid or satisfied unto the said mr Bewly<br />
the said summe of twelve pounds or any part thereof, which hee this examinate<br />
is able to d[?iscover], because hee hath for theise six yeares last kept the bookes<br />
of accompt of the said mr Bewly, wherein his prem[?ium] money hath bin<br />
from time to time entred, and hath from time to time received the same<br />
or bin made acquainted with the receipt thereof, and thereby well knoweth<br />
that there hath bin noe payment made of the said 12 li or any part thereof as<br />
Rob: Gostlin for my master} [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]<br />
Wm: Bewly}<br />
service of the Comonwealth of England and brought into Leith in Scotland which<br />
hee knoweth being aboard the said [?Boyer] when shee was so rescued and brought<br />
in thither And otherwise hee cannot depose
To the 4th article hee saith and deposeth that the said Boyer the ''Dove'' so laden with<br />
Corne bound for London and for soe by the Scotts man of warr and the vessell or<br />
Boyer afore said laden with wheate and rescued by the said ''Assistanse ffryott'' and bought<br />
into the Leith in Scotland were the same Bowyer the ''Dove'' and not divers,<br />
yeildeing a reason of his knowledge as aforesaid And otherwise hee cannot depose
To the 5th hee saith that the producents and Company were and are All dutchmen<br />
amd Inhabitants of Hamborow, and Subiects of that State, and so comonly accompted<br />
And the there was and is a pease and amitie betweene the State at Hamborowe and<br />
the Comonwealth of England, And otherwise he cannot depose./
To the last hee saith that his foregoeing depositions were and are true./
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee referreth himself to his foregoeing deposition and and otherwise hee<br />
answereth negatively.
To the 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6th hee referreth himself to his foregoeing deposition<br />
and otherwise hee cannot answere saveing, that the said ffrigott the ''Assistance'' rescued<br />
the said Boter and ladeing off Montrosse on the Coast of Scotland as the Company of the said<br />
Scotts man was carrting her along for Aberdene, her Master and Company being dispossessed<br />
and dispoiled of the possession and Comand of her, and only this deponent and his<br />
precontest Hendricke Pa[?pa] and a boy of her Company left in her and six of the Scott[?mans]<br />
Company being abord her when shee was rescued So that the said Boyer and ladeing<br />
had bin lost to the owners if the said Rescue had not beene made [XX XX] the Scotsman told<br />
the said Skipper before hee carryed him out of the said Boyer That hee should have the same againe and her freight<br />
but his adeing should bee made prize, because it was bound for London./
To the 7th hee said That it was about 9 of the Clocke in the morneing of the said<br />
30th of Aprill that the said Scotchman tooke them, and about 6 in the morneing of the<br />
5th of May last that the ''Assistance'' rescued [?them.]
To the 8th 9th and 10th hee answareth negativeley saveing as aforesaidanswareth negativeley saveing as aforesaid +