The 9th of July 1657
The claime of Abraha … The 9th of July 1657
The claime of Abraham Stockman and}<br />
company for the Boyer the ''Dove'' of hamborowe}<br />
Otto Paga master}
Examined upon an allegation given in on the<br />
behalfe of the said Stockman and company.
'''[?Smith] jus.'''
'''Hendrick Papa''' of hamborowe Mariner, Stiersman<br />
of the said Boyer the ''dove'' aged 25 yeares or thereabouts<br />
sworne and examined, saith as followeth videlicet.
To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that within and for all<br />
the time arlate the producents Abraham Stockman david Vander[?manola] and Otto Papa the Skipper<br />
of the said Boyer (whom hee well knoweth) and others dwelling in hamborowe<br />
whose names hee remembreth not were and are the lawfull owners and<br />
proprietors of the said Bowier the ''Dove'' and of her tackle apparell and furniture<br />
and for such commonly accompted, which hee knoweth being Stiersman of the<br />
said shipp, and acquainted with their setting her out as owners. And otherwise<br />
hee cannot depose.
To the second and third articles hee saith and deposeth that within the time arlate<br />
and more particularly in or about the Month of Aprill last the said Boyer the ''dove''<br />
of Hamborburgh (Otto Papa Master) was laden with wheate by the said Abraham Stockman att Hamborowe and<br />
the said wheate was considned to this Port of London for the use and Accompt of Mr Lucas Jacobs merchant<br />
of London and company which hee knoweth being Steeresman of the said Boyer and being seeing the said wheate laden, and for<br />
the reasons aforesaid, And hee further saith that within the said time, and after the<br />
ladeing thereof the said Skipper and Company soe sett saile and departed with her said ladeing<br />
But in her course comeing off the English Coast betwixt Alfernesse and Yarmouth<br />
she was mett withall by a Scotts man of Warr, and by him seised, on or about the<br />
30th of Aprill last upon which seisure the said Skipper of the Boyer and [?three] others<br />
of his Company were taken out of her into the said Man of Warr and carryed away<br />
in her, which hee knoweth because hee was aboard the said Bowyer and Steersman<br />
thereof and saw the premisses so done, But about 5 dayes after the said seisure, and<br />
before the said Man of warr had brought the said Bowyer and lading into any port<br />
or harbour, the said Boyer and ladeing of Wheate were mett with and retaken or rescued<br />
by the ''Assistance ffrygott'' comanded by Captaine Bourne in the imediate service of the<br />
Comonwealth of England and brought into Leith in Scotland which hee knoweth being<br />
aboard the said Boyer when shee was so rescued and brought in thither and otherwise<br />
hee cannot depose./
To the 4th artticle hee saith and deposeth that the said Boyer the ''dove'' so laden with<br />
Corne bound for London, and seised by the Scotts man of Warr, And the vessell or Boyer<br />
aforesiad laden with wheare and rescued by the ''Assistance ffrigott'' and brought into [xXX]<br />
leith in Scotland, were the same Boyer the ''dove'' and not divers yeilding a reason<br />
of his knowledge as aforesaid and otherwise hee cannot depose./
To the 5th hee saith that the said producents and Company were and are all dutchmen<br />
and Inhabitants of Hamborow and Subiects of that State and so comonly accompted<br />
And that there was and is a peace and Amitie betweene the State of Hamborow, and<br />
the Comonwealth of England and otherwise hee cannot depose
To the last hee saith that his foregoeing depositions were and are true/
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing depositions and otherwise answereth<br />
To the 2. 3. 4. 5. and 6th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition and otherwise<br />
hee cannot answere saveing that the said ffrygott the ''Assistance'' rescued the said Boyer<br />
ande'' rescued the said Boyer<br />
and +