12th July 1650 [CENTRE HEADING]
'''3us''' … 12th July 1650 [CENTRE HEADING]
'''Franciscus Shammon''' de Wappinge in Comitatus Middlesex Nauta<br />
aetatis 23 annorum aut eo circiter testis productus et juratus.
....hee was one of the company of the shipp the ''ffortune'' (Captaine<br />
John Greene commander) at the time of the taking the shipp the<br />
''Prince'' of Amsterdam arlate and llading which was about two monethes subce<br />
and saith that when the said shipp the ''ffortune'' came up with her, this<br />
deponent went with the said Captaine Greene aboard her, and had<br />
speech with the arlate Peter Piron, and being together in the masters<br />
cabbin the said Piron confessed and acknowledged to this deponent (who<br />
well speaketh and understandeth ffrench) in the presence of the said Captaine<br />
Greene, that hee had freighted the said shipp the ''Prince'' at Teneriffe fir thar<br />
voyage, and that hee had a good quantitie of goods aboard her for<br />
his owne accompt, and that hee was Cape merchant of her and that<br />
all her lading was in his power, saving a parcell of sweete wood<br />
that was for an English mans accompt, and further acknowledged that<br />
hee was a ffrench man borne at St Malo's, and that his father<br />
and mother were there livinge and were subiects of the kinge of<br />
ffrance, And for a ffrenchman, borne in the Dominion of<br />
the fffrench kinge and under his subiection, hee the said Piron<br />
was and is commonly accompted repputed and taken, Et alr nescit<br />
deponere salvis subscriptis.
...hee us by Religion a Protestant<br />
and taketh himselfe bound to speake the truth upon an oath taken upon the<br />
Evangelists or testament, and holdeth that the Pope nor any other can<br />
therein dispense with him, and knoweth not what it is to sweare on the<br />
[ADD DATA]are on the<br />