16 Marty 1 … [ADD DATA]
16 Marty 1648. [CENTRE HEADING]
Ash et aly con Lenthall}<br />
et Pyle}
Super allegacone arlate ex parte d[?XXXrum] Lenthall et<br />
Pyle date examinatus.
'''Henricus Pearne''' parochia de Littleham in Comitatus Devonia<br />
Nauta, aetatis 22 annorum aut eo circiter testis in hac<br />
causa productus et juratus.
Ad primum arlum deponit that at such time as the shipp the ''Jonas''<br />
arlate was lett to freight to the arlate Mr Lenthall and company<br />
for the voyage in question (which ehe saith was about this time twelvemoneth<br />
shee was an olde leakie and insufficient shipp, and one of her<br />
beames betwixt her decks was broken, which hee knoweth because hee<br />
this deponent being then shipt in her for the voyage in question saw<br />
and observed her to be soe old and insufiicient and one of her beames [?soe]<br />
broken as aforesaid, and that the said voyage in question shee was as<br />
hee saith soe leakie and insufficeint as that some of the company were<br />
constrained to plie the pumpe continually from Newfound land to Saint Lucar<br />
to keepe her from sinking, Reddens rationem scientia [?XXX]<br />
for that hee was one of her company and sawe that the pumpe was<br />
continually plied by reason of the said leakines, and hee tooke his<br />
turne thereat. alr nescit.
Ad 2 nescit.
Ad 3 deponit that the said shipp the ''Jonas'' the voyage in question<br />
from Newfound land to Saint Lucar did not nor could not carry [?in] [?her]<br />
of Newfound land ffish the quantitie of what shee should<br />
and would have donne, in case shee had bin of the burthen of<br />
240 tonnes or thereabouts, by at least 30 tonnes of fish, which<br />
this deponent well knoweth, for that hee noted and observed<br />
what quantitie of ffish was laden there on board her and<br />
hee having used the Newfound lande voyages for theise tenn yeares<br />
last past and made tenn voyages thither hee well knoweth how many<br />
kintalls of fish goe to a tonne, and soe observed that the said [?XXX]nne, and soe observed that the said [?XXX] +