4th Junij … [ADD DATA]
4th Junij 1638.
Curteene con Kinnaston et}<br />
'''Brianus Harrison''' de Wappinge in Comitatu Middlesex<br />
nauta aetatis 50 annorum aut eo circiter testis in hac<br />
parte productus iruatus et examinatus.
Ad 5um arlum allias ex parte drorum Curteene Greene et aliorum in<br />
hac parte dat et oblat dicit et deponit That he hath used to goe<br />
to sea in severall voyages for these thirtye three yeares last past or<br />
thereabouts and for twentye of the sayd yeares hath gonne master and<br />
commander of severall shipps, and that he never knewe of any shipp<br />
that was lette to fraighte to any merchants to goe from the<br />
port of London to any ports or places within or without the streights<br />
of Gibraltar, which did goe to the East Indies<br />
or any other place beyond the Lyne unlesse it were expressly<br />
sett downe in the Charter party that she mighte goe that waye,<br />
and that in this deponents opinion it is not meant or intended that a <br />
shipp lett to fraighte for any port or ports within or without the<br />
Straights of Gibraltar should foe beyond the Lyne; but onlye<br />
to Barbarye, Spaiyne or the Southerne or Westerne<br />
Islands or any place on this side of the Lyne for that<br />
a shipp which is to goe to the East Indies must be better provided, and beinge<br />
a longe voyage then for any other place [?XXX] this side the lyne Et alr nescit deponere.
Ad 6 nescit deponere savinge he sayeth that he beleiveth that if a shipp<br />
goe to the East Indyes there can bee noe conveyance for letters bills of<br />
Exchange or any other things to be sent ymediatly at the [?XXX]<br />
everye six monethes from thense to the porte of London, for the<br />
shipps come from thence but seldome./
Ad 13. et 14 affirmat That a shipp of the burthen of foure hundred or<br />
threethen of foure hundred or<br />
three +
4th Junij … [ADD DATA]
4th Junij 1638.
Curteene con Kinnaston et}<br />
'''Brianus Harrison''' de Wappinge in Comitatu Middlesex<br />
nauta aetatis 50 annorum aut eo circiter testis in hac<br />
parte productus iruatus et examinatus.
Ad 5um arlum allias ex parte drorum Curteene Greene et aliorum in<br />
hac parte dat et oblat dicit et deponit That he hath used to goe<br />
to sea in severall voyages for these thirtye three yeares last past or<br />
thereabouts and for twentye of the sayd yeares hath gonne master and<br />
commander of severall shipps, and that he never knewe of any shipp<br />
that was lette to fraighte to any merchants to goe from the<br />
port of London to any ports or places within or without the streights<br />
of Gibraltar, which did goe to the East Indies<br />
or any other place beyond the Lyne unlesse it were expressly<br />
sett downe in the Charter party that she mighte goe that waye,<br />
and that in this deponents opinion it is not meant or intended that a <br />
shipp lett to fraighte for any port or ports within or without the<br />
Straights of Gibraltar should foe beyond the Lyne; but onlye<br />
to Barbarye, Spaiyne or the Southerne or Westerne<br />
Islands or any place on this side of the Lyne for that<br />
a shipp which is to goe to the East Indies must be better provided, and beinge<br />
a longe voyage then for any other place [?XXX] this side the lyne Et alr nescit deponere.
Ad 6 nescit deponere savinge he sayeth that he beleiveth that if a shipp<br />
goe to the East Indyes there can bee noe conveyance for letters bills of<br />
Exchange or any other things to be sent ymediatly at the [?XXX]<br />
everye six monethes from thense to the porte of London, for the<br />
shipps come from thence but seldome./
Ad 13. et 14 affirmat That a shipp of the burthen of foure hundred or<br />
threethen of foure hundred or<br />
three +